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I was led to think that HIV was a man made virus by a few factors


The Year it was discovered and started

This is one of the areas for suspicion. Bascially as far as records go, HIV was kinda reared its ugly head in the 1950s. That was at least a few short years after the WW2. And also there were records of Nazis invading Africa in the ww2. So it's not surprising that the Nazi being homephobic and racist, would make something to cull the undesirable population apart from tankers and soldiers.


The birthplace it shares with many viruses of the same nature

It just too coincident that the mostly horrible or sexually/ intravenously spread diseases came from Africa. You can blame the bushmeat trade but then. The Bushmeat trade has been going on for millions of years so why after 1950s we began to see its effects?


Our Closest relatives

Chimpanzees have been the subject of experiments due to our genetic similarities. It would not be surprising that maybe someone experimented on them and it escaped and spreaded it's disease. Many of the worst ecological disasters came from experimented or introduced wildlife.


it came out of africa because it was origionally a chimp virus SIV(simian immunodeficiency virius) or something of that nature.


it probably existed long before the 1960s as well but never got discovered/reached and adequate infection level to be noticed by anyone, especially considering the poor healthcare system in africa at the time.


not sure where the nazi link comes in. france, spain and grat britain had colonies in africa at that time too. why couldn't it have been them? simple answer to this, it wasn't.

Not sure where the nazi link comes in. france, spain and grat britain had colonies in Africa at that time too.

I would go as far as to say that contrary to Germany, France, Spain and Great Britain had colonies in Africa during the Nazi time.

it came out of africa because it was origionally a chimp virus SIV(simian immunodeficiency virius) or something of that nature.


it probably existed long before the 1960s as well but never got discovered/reached and adequate infection level to be noticed by anyone, especially considering the poor healthcare system in africa at the time.

Indeed, most people don't die of AIDS anyway, it is normally a secondary infection and when you don't have a sufficient health care system or an immune system how long do you think you are going to survive in africa, cause it won't be long enough for anyone to realise that the reason you died from some normally harmless virus/bacteria.

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