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How not to write a lab report


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reminds me of all my physics labs... I thought it was really cool and unusual that my Ohm's law experiment actually worked last week.
Same here. We had the worst equipment ever. Nothing ever worked like it should. The physics department got all new equipment for undergraduate labs the year after I left :(
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It looks like he followed up on his conclusions:

From the lab report:


Going into physics was the biggest mistake of my life. I should've declared CS. I still wouldn't have any women, but at least I'd be rolling in cash.

From his CV, http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~kovar/cv.html:


Ph.D. Computer Science, November 2004

University of Wisconsin, Madison


M.S. Computer Science, May 2001

University of Wisconsin, Madison


B.S. Physics, June 1999

Stanford University


Work Experience

Research and Development Engineer, September 2005 - present

Industrial Light and Magic, San Francisco, CA, USA

Ongoing work revolves around the architecture and implementation of the character animation engine used by LucasArts.

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my experiment on reverse osmosis yesterday worked out quite well. our labs just got a £6.5 million revamp. there's NEW equipment! and it WORKS!


still using an old pentium pro computer to record results though. this thing doesn't even have USB ports or a CD tray. how we get the results off it is to unplug it lug it up three flights of stairs to the nearest ethernet port as it strangely has a shiny new 100Mbit ethernet card. theres just no network access in the lower labs. the floppy drive is similarly busted not that it would help.


but yeah, i got a straight line for the calibration graph! w00t w00t! nothing failed!!!

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