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I can well imagine! I think I`de be having to breathe into a paper bag if I saw something like that happen :))


I made headlines once when I was 14, "School boy Starts Radiation Alert" !

I aint kidding! I`ll get the article and take a pic of it, when I can dig it out :)

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during school lunch time me an a few other friends used to take a shortcut across a factory waste ground to get to the shops and have a few cigs, we were`nt allowed to leave the school premesis, but who cares, anyway, in this tip I found a solif graphite canister with heat cooling fins and the Radiation symbol etched deep into the one end, I though COOL!!!! I`m gunna take this home and experiment on it in my Shed/Lab maybe even make a heater for the winter out of it. but it was too big to hide easily in my school bag (a bit bigger than a rugby ball), so I decided to try and smash it open, and just take the contents home instead, we tried for the best part of an our to break it open, no luck, we made a few dents and broke a few cooling fins off it, so I decided to take it into Science class with me and ask how to open it, I left it on the teachers desk and waited for her to come into the room, she saw it and went pale, asked who`s it was , I said it mine, with a big grin :)

she got the other science teachers to have a look and ask me a bunch of questions "was it hot" etc... (It was actualy quite hot).

I had to take it down the bottom of the playing feild ! yes they made ME carry it!. within 15 mins the Hazmat team were there, the area was all sealed off, special suits, geiger counters just like in the movies, I felt a little worried at this point, but no-one would talk to me. I went home as usual told my family about it, they didn`t really beleive me, untill about 6pm when we had a knock at the front door, it was reporters!

I told my story, next morning I was front page!

turns out the canister was an electrode from an Arc Furnace and the radiation symbol was the mark the claw makes when it`s attatched :)

got a whole lot of people worried for a while tho! LOL :)

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here`s the latest reason we were in the local paper. also, it is writen in our local dialect, so some of you even if pronouncing it correctly, won`t understand what some of it means. there`s no pictures in this article on the net, but there is in the newspaper, so I`ll post a pic when I get some time and feel like messing about with FTP and stuff :)

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the Black Country Bugle not in Walsall?

now that HAS surprised me! I`de have almost possitive that it would be in your local newagents, it came out last thursday (2 days ago from this post for anyone wondering in the future).

you`ll have to go and ask at yer local NA for it then, or maybe the NA setion of ASDA or TESCOS (I know ya have a Tescos in Walsall, not far from the new bus stop).

I`m sure SOMEONE there knows about it, even if it is only a local paper, yer only 2 klicks away from me :)

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