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Hey all, i recently got an assessment task from my Senior Science teacher about our O.E.I and it's worth 30% and want to get it right, but he gave us a aim and list of equipment and i don't know why he put some of the equipment in but we need to use them all.



1. To design a valid method to determine how fast a selection of tablets and capsules take to dissolve in water.




Electronic balance or hanging pan balance


distilled water

measuring cylinders

filter paper, filter funnel, conical flask



i got all the tablets i just don't have a good idea of doing the experiment.

any help available would be appreciated, thank you in advance.


If you want to make a fair comparison, wouldn't you want to make sure that the tablets and capsules had equal mass?


You can use the filters if you were to measure how much remained after a certain time, i.e. let them dissolve for some time and then filter out the remaining material and see how much had dissolved. Do this for different lengths of time, of course.

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