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As a sleep aid is my current use of it, so mainly the comparison i am wondering about. An OTC pill called Sleep Md incorporates Salicin from White Willow, as well as Valerian and Passionflower. Sleep Md used to work very well for me, but i think ive built a tolerance, so ive been experimenting with different amounts of the various herbs, as seperate supplements. I found that Aspirin is a similar compound to Salicin, so i am just wondering if there is much difference between the two if i am making my own sleep cocktail from the individual chemicals. Information about other effective sleep aids is welcomed of coarse. But I dont find Diphenhydramine particularly effective for me : of coarse it knocks me out, but then it gives me cotton mouth from hell, which usually wakes me, this is even at the lowest possible dosage . . . . isuppose i am sensitive to it or something.


Salicylic acid or it`s salts don`t have any soporific effects, I think you`ll find it the Valeric acid in the valerian root that does.


btw, I grow valerian, and it Stinks! do these "pills"?


Yeah, I've been using melatonin for years. It's a hormone thing. I don't think they have found any side effects yet, just don't take more than 3 mg a day. Wait a minute. Just found some interesting comments on melatonin from the mayo clinic. You might want to hold off on making it part of your nightly routine for the rest of your life, though I have not noticed any problems except for a tumor that developed in my spinal cord, though that was more likely caused by another one of the supplements I was taking. :)




Lately, I have been drinking tea with chamomile and melissa at night. Seems to have a pleasantly calming effect. Anything beats the dipenhydramine hangover, and getting addicted to it is really bad for your body.


I have found that daily physical exercise is probably the best thing to get me to sleep at night.


Lately, I have been drinking tea with chamomile and melissa at night.


well, I suppose you`re all consenting adults, whatever floats your boat ;)

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