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They are not giving much away on there. I actually saw Predator 2 before it was released in the cinemas. My company was given Predator 2 by 20th Century fox to watch because we made the computer game of it for the Amiga. We were also given the script. The end was missing though.



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I worked for a company called Arc Developments. We made games for Activision, Ocean, Thalamus, and US Gold. I was the graphic artist. I worked on R-Type 2, Dragon Breed, Predator 2, Amalyte, The Simpsons, Robozone, and I can't remember all of them. There is even a web site about me..lol! That was funny to find.



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yeah, I rem R-Type! I may still have a version on floppy SOMEWHERE LOL :)


I did some work for the ATO and sidework with translating for some games and ports, Russian to English. I still have about 8 Amigas and 3 of them are on 24/7 the rest are in storage along with enough chipsets to replace them all :)


it nice to hear of a fellow Amigan on here :)

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see if ya can get or do a port of Alein Breed (team 17) or Chaos Engine (bitmap Brothers).

I wouldn`t mind those on PC, other than Chess, nothing else impresses me with regards to `puter games :)

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How is the predator series/movie thingy?


I've never watched predator. I've seen alien...scary 'lil buggers


How do these vs. movies work anyways?


Like that freddy vs. jason one, 2 enemies kill each other?

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Predator is another great movie, with Arnold Schwartzenegger. You should watch it. The Avp idea started as a comic, then was made into a computer game.. (First by my old company members.) Now it's gonna be a film. I think it's going to be a great film.



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Dude. Awesome.


Predator frikkin rocks.



It's too bad Amiga died off. If it kept up, it would have been the most powerful system right now. They did some rad stuff in the early 90s.



I really loved Shadow of the Beast 3. I cannot beat the last level though, and it hurts. Hurts bad. I wish it had more than 4 levels. That would be cool. Unless there's more to it than meets the eye? Please say there is. And please port it to PC.


That would be cool.

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