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I've got a report function in our local training system, where we enter the manager ID of a group, then the course code. This will pull who in that managers group has completed that course code and who has not.


I'm trying to find a way to replace putting a (or multiple) specific course code (or codes) with a "begins with" logic that will pull all course codes beginning with a certain term.


However, I've messed around a bit with wildcards (like * and %), but either the wildcards don't work, or my syntax is wrong.




An example of an actual report url for a specific manager and a specific course is as follows:


http: //OurTrainingSite/reports/mgr_drill_multi.php?mgrid=IDgoesHere&QS_crse_codes=ExactCourseCode



What I want is a way to do something similar, but with "QS_crse_codes" begins with "CodePrefix."


Any ideas of syntax to try?




If I can't get it to work this way, I'll just ask our DEV team to create a new report type with this logic, but my hope is that I can leverage existing functionality without the need for a production change request. My skills are limited, and this may not even be possible, but I figured it could not hurt to ask.


Any and all ideas are welcome. Cheers.


Cool. I sort of figured that, and it makes sense. I can pull the data myself from the database on the backend, but I will need to get a new end-user report created to do what I described above.



Thanks guys.


iNow, the way to do it is set up a condition in the code itself. For instance:






switch ($_GET["type"]) 
    case 1: //wildcard both sides:
         $sTerm = '%' . $_GET['term'] . '%';
    case 2: //wildcard before only:
         $sTerm = '%' . $_GET['term'];
    case 3: //wildcard after only:
         $sTerm = $_GET['term'] . '%';
    case 4: //no wildcard:
         $sTerm = $_GET['term'];

//do whatever in the SQL search:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE field=".$sTerm;



You can play with the search terms like that. If your intention is to ALWAYS add a wildcard, then just tell the code to automatically add it (instead of switching) and use the new variable for the search.



Hope that helps :)



Nice. I'll give that a whirl after the weekend. Thanks, moo! :)


No problems :)


I just noticed that I didn't FULLY answer it though.. you should probably avoid the switch, since you want to use only "before" thing, but I guess you can figure it out by only using the third case.


also, don't forget to use some security anti-SQL injection in there, because this is still a GET command. So, to summarize, your code should look something like this:


$baseTerm = "%" . [color=red]mysql_real_escape_string([color=Black]$_GET["term"][/color])[/color];
$sql="SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE '".$baseTerm."'";

// etc



Don't forget the mysql_real_escape_string thing, it's VERY important if you're dealing with direct-field injections to the SQL database :)


g'luck :)

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