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The Quran Miracles Encyclopedia web Site


In 2004 , this huge scientific miracles website in Quran and sunna was set up with aim of establishing data base that call to God according to Islamic concept , this site contains thousands of scientific religious concepts that are authenticated and confirmed by references , we have translated these articles to eight international languages to explain what the belief in God means according to the Islamic perspective , moreover we , through our articles , give the evidence to the divine source of the Holy Quran , once you read our articles you will find so easily that Holy Quran is truly God's word,that was revealed to Mohummed , whom we also give evidence to his truthful prophethood


The site founder :


Feras Nour Al-Hlk , a Syrian young man , a graduate of Business administration


Institute and born in Damascus in 1976


This site is established by this so dynamic person who traveled to all the corners of the world to meet scientists and to get the most up-to-date research.


The goals of the projects :


Explaining the scientific miracles ,that prove the divine source of the Holy Quran ,God's word that is revealed to prophet Mohummed


Giving evidence to the prophethood of Mohummed by the different miracles in His Holy sayings .


Refuting the fallacies and fakes about that weaved by the orientalists and Christian missionaries .


Proving the evidence of the existence of God through the Holy Quran and the prophet sayings .


Refuting the fallacies of atheists and materialists through Holy Quran and the prophet's sayings


Showing God's infinite might and creativity in creating the universe to strengthen the belief in Allah .


Explaining the masterpieces of the Islamic civilization such as justice and social solidarity and many others .


Translating the above mentioned information to the most worldwide languages .





Through some commercial advertisement , company and person donation .


The sight has been developed by Art four Islam Company :


Permanent writers in our site :


Dr : Abd Al-Khalk Shrieba


DR :Abd Al-Rhaman Sherief , Quran sciences


Dr:Mohummed Do'dah


MR: Hesham Tulba


Sheik:Abd Al-Majeed Zanadani


DR:Zagloul Al-Nagar


Dr :Moustafa Abd AL-Mon'em


DR: Hussein Loubadi


DR: Moustafa Al-Gamal


DR: Karem Go'neim


Dr: Mohummed Abd Al-Lateif Rajeb Abd Al-Aty


DR: Hassan Hamdan Al-Dosoky Eid


Dr: Mogahed Abo AL-Maged


Dr: Moustafa Ebraheim Hassan


DR: Saleh Mohummed AL-Awad


Dr: Salama ABd Al_hady


Dr: Mohummed Gameil AL-Habal


DR : Mohummed Ismail ATouok


Dr: Mousbah Kamel


DR: Idris Al-Korshaf


Dr : Mahmoud Abd Al-Razek


Dr: Mansour Ibraheim Abu Sharea Al_abady


Dr: Yahya Al-Wazery


Re: Khalaf Al-Ghalby


Dr: Mohummed Nzar Al_Doker


Dr: Nasr-Allah Abd AL-Rhaman Abo-Taleb


Dr: Mahmoud Abd Allah Ibraheim Naga


Dr: Abd Al-Baset Mohummed Al-sayed


Dr: Ahmed Abd Al-Aziz Melegi


Abd Al-Da'em Al-Kaheel


DR :Hassan Shamsi Bash


The site fame


Daily , the site is honoured by visiting from 120 countries , 13000 visitors , 45 000 times articles are read


OK, it's been a while since something like this hasn't been posted here. Atamim, most of us here are atheists, and if people here start making fun of this, just don't be personally offended. This is a pure science forum, not a religious affected science forum.

OK, it's been a while since something like this hasn't been posted here. Atamim, most of us here are atheists, and if people here start making fun of this, just don't be personally offended. This is a pure science forum, not a religious affected science forum.


yes thedarkshade i know that and the link i have sent is 95% scientific topic


If you want to discuss the science behind certain events, then do it here at this site.


Trolling, advertising and multiple posting violate the rules by which you agreed to abide.


I've seen similar claims from the Bible. In the end, both religious texts are reverse-engineering and cherry-picking from the best results. Not intellectually honest, especially when the aim from both is to lend scientific credence to their respective religions.


This is an attempt to convert non-believers and as such is a violation of SFN rules. No more preaching, please.


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