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There is no purpuse to it.




people deside for them selfs if a post or poster is good or not so good.

  Blade said:
There is no purpuse to it.
It's purpose is positive feedback. Many people don't reply in a thread but they read them. This is a way to say "Great job, I enjoyed the post!"


people deside for them selfs if a post or poster is good or not so good.
And for those who have trouble remembering the posting personalities and knowledge of over 10,000 members, there's the reputation system.


It's a purely positive thing, I don't see why you have a problem with it. Ignore it if you think it serves no purpose. There are those who find purpose in it.


Some posters could easily improve others' perception of them by paying just a little bit of attention to spelling and grammar. Maybe that's just a bit to 20th century for some people.


I think the rep system on this site is superior to others I've seen in three very distinct ways:


1) It's positive only. No negative reputation points... No feces slinging.

2) It's private. No ego based competitions about who has higher rep.

3) The person giving the thank you is anonymous unless they choose to add their username to their comment.



I've received a few comments that really brought a smile to my face. When you boil it down to it's essence, that's the nature of the rep system. One person says thank you and the other person smiles and feels their posts are appreciated.


iNow has it right. It's too subtle for most people but those who use it appreciate the appreciation.

  D H said:
Some posters could easily improve others' perception of them by paying just a little bit of attention to spelling and grammar. Maybe that's just a bit to 20th century for some people.
You do the same thing I do. Whenever I criticize other's spelling, I invaryably misspell something. :embarass:
  Phi for All said:
iNow has it right. It's too subtle for most people but those who use it appreciate the appreciation.You do the same thing I do. Whenever I criticize other's spelling, I invaryably misspell something. :embarass:

Well, dagn.


+10 Severian. :)


I don't have a problem with it but I don't really use it. But then I'm kind of a blabbermouth so I tend to say what I think anyway.


I think it's mostly based on luck; whether or not you run across a person who likes giving reputation.

Unfortunately from my experiences of this site, those types of people aren't very common, or as ecoli already said, my posts aren't very good.

I do agree with iNow, this reputation system is very superior to those on other sites.


I don't like the requirements to spread it around. There have been several times, here lately particularly, I tried to give someone rep points but says I have to give to 5 other people first, or something like that. I think that's a bit much. I understand the spirit of the requirement, but some people just earn them more often and others just don't.


Then I start writing a private message to let them know, but then I stop myself for fear of being presumptuous enough to assume this person should care that I like their post. Anonymity is nice.


I think this is one of SFN's best. And it's not a matter of luck. If you make good posts, you help people, share what you know with the others you will surely get reps. Though I don't understand how some really brilliant guys here got such low rep status.


I forget to give reputation points, IIRC I've only awarded somebody with rep once, and that particular post struck a chord, rather than being helpful, which maybe defeats the object.


If somebody has the decency to say 'thanks' if I've given them advice, that's more than enough for me, even if I wasn't helpful, but just made the effort to help.


But, counter to the OP, there's nothing wrong with acknowledging when somebody has been helpful, it's called manners, and whether you like it or not, recognition, when that person has studied furiously, and is willing to spread their knowledge, is worthy of recognition in my book.


I'll make a note to start giving rep points if somebody is particularly helpful, if I remember :)


For those who think the "spread it around" requirement is a little too high: I just lowered it from 5 to 2. We don't have too many problems with reputation "loading" yet, so I might as well.


You can't see who.


But if you go to your user CP (My Account -> User control panel in the menu under the logo) you can see comments, and click on the forum title to see which post it was...

  thedarkshade said:
They could leave the username though.


Only if they are desperate to make friends!


/me points to "Shade" ;)

  • 3 weeks later...

If you mean the "antimatter is on a distinguished road" sort of things, sure:


can only hope to improve: > -50

has a little shameless behaviour in the past: > -10

is a decent person: > 10

is on a distinguished road: > 20

will become famous soon enough: > 50

has a spectacular aura about: > 150


and, well, nobody's gotten past that yet, I think.


I thought reputation is only positive. How do we have negative scores?


We start with 10 points, right? And each rep you receive is 5 points?

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