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I was told to balance an equation of potassium manganate and FeS04 with a catalyst sulphuric Acid (titration). I was wondering if any of you know what the balanced equation will look like.


FeSO4 + KMnO4 + H2SO4 ---------->


I know that H2SO4 is a catalyst which means it has nothing to do with the final product because it only acts as a medium that speeds up a reaction. (correct me if wrong)


So my question here is, how should this be balanced. I am thinking that H2SO4 will absent during the balanced equation but what the products are is what baffles me. please help?


It is a redox reaction, and you have to balance the electrons.

Fe(II) will form Fe(III) and you will get Mn(2+).

Sulfuric acid is not a catalist, but instead, it takes the Oxygen off of MnO4, so you get water instead of MnO2.


You should be able to figure it out from there.

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