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John Stossel vs Ariana Huffington


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This should be good. John Stossel, one of the few libertarians in modern mainstream media, interviews the queen of welfare-state liberalism, Ariana Huffington. Here are some juicy experts from Stossel's weekly email announcement:


Huffington says, "Welfare reform was not a success." Excuse me? Since welfare was limited, 8 million people left the welfare rolls, and even though we're in an economic downturn, the inflation-adjusted income of the poorest Americans is still higher than before the reforms. But Huffington joins the Democratic presidential candidates in saying that everything is getting worse.


"We have over 30 million Americans living below the poverty line," she said. I reminded her that a higher percentage of Americans lived below the poverty line before welfare reform. She responded, "The fact that we used to live in caves is not a justification for the state of affairs right now."


Rofl. You tell her, brother! The show it tomorrow (Friday) night, April 26th, in the ABC network here in the states. I imagine it will show up on YouTube or at least ABC's web site.

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This should be good. John Stossel, one of the few libertarians in modern mainstream media...


Penn & Teller are the only libertarians I know of expressing views worth a damn on what can be considered relatively mainstream media, at least in this area of nicheification...


Compared to the likes of them, I don't think Stossel can be considered so much a libertarian as a pathetic little whiner

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Haha...I'm betting Stossel pissed on your cheerios at some point in the past. Pathetic little whiner? I've always enjoyed his pretentious inquisitive approach.


The guy is a muckraker and I find his tabloidesque approach to journalism both lowbrow and extremely annoying.


You know, articles like this:




MYTH No. 2: The Earth is warming because of us!


TRUTH: Maybe. The frantic media suggest it's all about us. But the IPCC only said it is likely that we have increased the warming.


Our climate has always undergone changes. Greenland was named Greenland because its coasts used to be very green. It's presumptuous to think humans' impact matters so much in comparison to the frightening geologic history of the earth. And who is to say that last year's temperature is the perfect optimum? Warmer may be better! More people die in cold waves than heat waves.

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The guy is a muckraker and I find his tabloidesque approach to journalism both lowbrow and extremely annoying.


You know, articles like this:




yeah... don't you just hate it when journalists try to warn against hysteria. [/sarcasm]


This should be good. John Stossel, one of the few libertarians in modern mainstream media, interviews the queen of welfare-state liberalism, Ariana Huffington. Here are some juicy experts from Stossel's weekly email announcement:


Look forward to it.

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