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Photon Asymmetry


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This idea came to me today. We start with a hydrogen atom. If we input a photon, the electron will be kicked up into a higher energy state. If you look at this closely the electron will gain more EM potential that the proton, since it has more added motion for its charge for extra magnetic potential. The proton is heavy so there is less magnetic . The net result is the photon does not split symmetrically but asymmetrically.

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This is easier to see if the hydrogen becomes fully ionized. Both the proton and the electron are at higher energy using one photon. The system is no longer one system but has two components each of which can then act independently. Again, if we do an energy balance that includes magnetic the electron gets more.

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We start with a hydrogen atom and add only one photon. This photon is energetic enough to add the 13.6 EV needed to make the electron and proton act as separate entities. If we look at charge potential, both are the same. If we look at magnetic potential, the heavy mass of the proton circumvents the same final velocity of its charge. This implies the electron gets extra due to its total EM contribution being higher by default. The split of the photon's energy can't, by default, separate into two equal EM potentials. This analysis works under the 19th century assumption that negative and positive charge are equal and opposite. If equal and opposite the photon split is asymmetric.


On the other hand, if we assume a symmetric split of the photon, the proton's half, since it can't go into magnetic, by default, it has to go somewhere else. Or the positive charge has a way to tuck it away into the mass of the proton. Maybe this implies a connection to gravity.


Gravity-mass was a guess but it is not too far fetched. If we compresses a bunch of hydrogen atoms with gravity, the protons get closer and electron ionize. If we assume equal split of the photons for the ionization, the protons add it to the mass at the same time gravity also increases. But again, it may be the precursor of the nuclear forces since the final goal could be fusion.

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We start with a hydrogen atom and add only one photon. This photon is energetic enough to add the 13.6 EV needed to make the electron and proton act as separate entities. If we look at charge potential, both are the same. If we look at magnetic potential, the heavy mass of the proton circumvents the same final velocity of its charge. This implies the electron gets extra due to its total EM contribution being higher by default. The split of the photon's energy can't, by default, separate into two equal EM potentials. This analysis works under the 19th century assumption that negative and positive charge are equal and opposite. If equal and opposite the photon split is asymmetric.


On the other hand, if we assume a symmetric split of the photon, the proton's half, since it can't go into magnetic, by default, it has to go somewhere else. Or the positive charge has a way to tuck it away into the mass of the proton. Maybe this implies a connection to gravity.


I'm missing the part where there has to be energy added to the magnetic or electrostatic potential. If you have added 13.6 eV they are far away from each other and at rest. The magnetic moments and charges existed before you ionized the atom.


If you look at them when they are moving, in any given frame of reference, they won't have the same magnetic field, but they won't have the same electric field, either.

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Instead of at rest, I was looking at the dynamic situation of the ionization just happening before there is time to find an equilibrium. I picture the heavy proton sort of lumbering with the electron exiting in faster motion. If the proton ends up with more spin that could compensate, but I seems we would have the same inertia problem, with angular momentum still lagging due to its lumbering mass. I can see maybe the kinetic energy being equal but with higher mass we have less velocity and therefore less magnetic contribution. The energy would have to go into the mass. The photon EM split appears asymmetric. In we assume symmetric, part of the EM would need into mass.


If you look at a proton, one thing I always thought interesting, is it is able to get involved in all the forces of nature, at the same time, in its day to day life, as part of higher atoms. It uses the EM forces, nuclear forces and gravity. In that respect, it is the poster child for unified force. That being said, is it possible part the photon's energy gets caught up in the unified force, allowing the needed redistribution.


This makes sense if we reverse the ionization. Even with the photon split between the electron and proton, and even with the proton maybe having to use other forces to stores its share of possible symmetry, the system is able to synthesis only one photon out of all this possible force diversity. My gut says one needs some type of integrator that can bring any diverse force potential together into one particle. The proton may be the go to guy able to do integrate force under a very wide range of photon energies. It just shifts the unified force around to use what forces are needed. My gut also tells me that positive charge has something extra. I can't put my finger on it but simple observations appear that are not obvious using the assumption of equal-opposite charge. These appear using the other assumption.

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Instead of at rest, I was looking at the dynamic situation of the ionization just happening before there is time to find an equilibrium. I picture the heavy proton sort of lumbering with the electron exiting in faster motion. If the proton ends up with more spin that could compensate, but I seems we would have the same inertia problem, with angular momentum still lagging due to its lumbering mass. I can see maybe the kinetic energy being equal but with higher mass we have less velocity and therefore less magnetic contribution. The energy would have to go into the mass. The photon EM split appears asymmetric. In we assume symmetric, part of the EM would need into mass.


The spin of both the electron and proton are quantized. The kinetic energy of the electron and proton are not going to be equal because momentum has to be conserved.


If you look at a proton, one thing I always thought interesting, is it is able to get involved in all the forces of nature, at the same time, in its day to day life, as part of higher atoms. It uses the EM forces, nuclear forces and gravity. In that respect, it is the poster child for unified force. That being said, is it possible part the photon's energy gets caught up in the unified force, allowing the needed redistribution.


This makes sense if we reverse the ionization. Even with the photon split between the electron and proton, and even with the proton maybe having to use other forces to stores its share of possible symmetry, the system is able to synthesis only one photon out of all this possible force diversity. My gut says one needs some type of integrator that can bring any diverse force potential together into one particle. The proton may be the go to guy able to do integrate force under a very wide range of photon energies. It just shifts the unified force around to use what forces are needed. My gut also tells me that positive charge has something extra. I can't put my finger on it but simple observations appear that are not obvious using the assumption of equal-opposite charge. These appear using the other assumption.



Gravity? No, not so much. Nothing here really fits in with accepted physics, AFAICT. If there was anything to your nebulous gut instinct, you should see it in the formation of exotic hydrogen-like systems, such as muonium and positronium.

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