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Hillary: The Democratic party's psycho ex-girlfriend


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As anyone around here knows I've been pretty much a pro-Obama anti-Hillary guy since the two of them emerged as the Democratic frontrunners some two years ago.


Well, time has marched on, and primaries have revealed that others feel the same way. It's practically impossible for Hillary to win at this point...





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If something (like Rev Wright scandal but worse) comes along, Hillary will be a shoe-in for the nomination. Though, I expect if anything like this was real, she would have revealed it by now.

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If something (like Rev Wright scandal but worse) comes along, Hillary will be a shoe-in for the nomination. Though, I expect if anything like this was real, she would have revealed it by now.


I think Osama bin Laden could record an endorsement of Obama and post it on YouTube and Hillary still wouldn't be a shoe-in. She was damaged goods when she entered this election and she definitely is now. The DNC wouldn't risk alienating the traditionally apathetic voting blocks that Obama calls on consistently for a candidate with limited appeal and potential.


Of course, that may be the East Tennessean talking there. It's kind of in the drinking water here to hate Hillary Clinton. That and develop kidney stones.


EDIT: Ha ha, post 666. What irony that I should be speaking of Hillary Clinton in my 'sign of the beast' post.

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