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Just wondering if you had a tesla coil like device on/in your car is it possible to disrupt or change the microwave signals that cops use to get ya for speeding? Or a device like this, is it possible?

feed back please


Yes; but technically that's a jammer so it's illegal, and the cop will pull you over for not getting a speed reading from your car.


Is there a way to do it so he does gets a almost fathomable reading just a wrong one, say drop 20-40Km per hour of his reading


there is actualy, I posted something about it many months ago (I forget what thread it`s in).


all you`ll need is a Gunn Diode, the sort used in MW detectors for alarm systems in large warehouse type buildings. mount one in the grill on your car and power up. the readings they get will be anything from no reading to 999999 mph and be constantly changing as the MW source is a white noise in that band :)


if you`re caught however, you risk imprisonment without fail!!!!

Since when are lasers microwaves ?


Also Jammers arent illegal everywhere.

well tool lasers are light yes? light is EM rad yes? microwaves are EM rad yes?




Hey is there anyway to electrify your car mildley so that it screws with it and they cant find it, say accidentally cut the wires from the alternator and attach them to your body


You never want a anti-theft device that might go off when your driving it legitimate if that's what your saying. Back when I rode bikes I woulda put a 12 guage shell under the seat to discourage stealin except I don't think I coulda enjoyed riding with that under me. Lo-jack rules for the time being.

Just aman

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