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Student looking for participants for online study

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Hi! I'm a doctoral student at a North American university and I’m looking for science enthusiasts to try out my new online psychology study on alcohol use, sensation seeking and perception of emotions.


By participating, you'll be contributing to research on alcoholism. You can also get feedback about your personality! To start, click on (or cut and paste) the link:




If anyone has any questions, please let me know.


Thanks so much,


Sarah Kennedy

Edited by SarahMcGill
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I am interested in your project work but what exactly I need to do is still confusing.


Can you make it more clear.


You click the link in post #1 and answer their questions.

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I stopped in the middle of the survey - the questions were too forced.

There was no "I have no opinion on the subject" or an "I dont know" option.


It must be a forced choice questionaire then, as that's exactly what you have to do in a choice experiment to separate and independently measure the various options.



More on this type of modelling at the following:



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It must be a forced choice questionaire then, as that's exactly what you have to do in a choice experiment to separate and independently measure the various options.



More on this type of modelling at the following:




I should have been more clear.

Its not that its not bad that its there, its that it was there for every question (as far as I saw).


For example, one of the questions had to do with sexual experience before marriage. Whether its good, or whether one should wait.


Personally, I dont care. Whether you do or dont before marriage, it doesnt bother me either way, and I don't have a preference for it.


So by forcing me to choose, the results may be skewed.

because say your current results are: 2 for yes, 2 for wait.

if I had the option for "no preference" it would then be 2:2:1.

but by forcing me to choose its now 2:3 or something - when really, it shouldn't be.


I hope Im making sense, as its 1:09am... lol

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