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North Korea off the black list


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Looks like some great progress in regards to North Korea. I hope this will eventually encourage Iran to do the same. I think this shows some desperation on the part of North Korea via China and perhaps more flexibility from Bush to get the ball rolling. I have a feeling that our administration bent a little more than they wanted in order to have this done prior to Bush leaving office. The results look good so far though and that is what matters.

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Interesting, so the Bush administration did something right? Wait...this is a joke right? I click the link and a picture of an obscene monkey flipping me off pops up on the screen right?


I'm not falling for it.

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How much progress has actually been made is not really clear. Yes, they blew up a cooling tower, but apparently it had already completed its task anyway. They still have nukes, as well as most of the equipment for making more. Also remember that we're basically taking their word for it about everything else, and they've lied before.


That said, I don't believe that North Korea really wants a nuclear standoff, and I don't think they were ever really a "state sponsor of terrorism" in the first place.

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