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Tragedy of Science


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Now, the present academic system has closed all the doors for the emerging scientists. Even though science knows that most of the scientists like Wright Brothers who invented flight, Richard Trevithick, who invented the first steam-powered vehicle are all emerged outside the academic system; why the present education system is not permitting such scientific people and inventions to emerge? We must know that most of the excellent scientists who gave new devices to humanity were poor in mathematics but not in invention. They showed their stunning aptitude of innovation without depending on dogma mathematics. Even Werner Heisenberg did the same. When the quantum mechanics was in its peak, Heisenberg emerged with uncertainty principle and shocked, but also helped the quantum mechanics to grow in a right direction. But science has given importance to the uncertainty principle without knowing the philosophical and the spiritual command of Werner Heisenberg.


Do a soul searching! It is evident that some of the forces are internally afraid of true scientific renaissance in the world. Particularly, they are afraid of honest and unselfish research work, but why?


All over the world, it was so well planned through the academic system to block the emergence of a true scientific force, but why?


In the 16th century, nature had started generating scientific flood of inventions and discoveries where scientists remained far more popular than others. But after the French Revolution some of the extreme forces who started controlling the root of capital realized that the flood of the scientific inventions is dangerous for the growth of their capital. They become conscious that slowly the inventions will become disadvantageous for their material existence. So, by introducing the stereotype academic lock-up they have developed a clever plan to block all the roads for the emerging scientists to keep them out of the mainstream. In this process, they realized that if the carrier oriented people enter the mainstream of science they will be successful to stop the flood of scientific inventions. They materially grasped that a true scientist is basically unselfish and honest in heart and so a scientist who is not a slave of name, fame, money, position or meaningless patent can do any spiritual wonder in this world. They can even introduce a device to generate “free-fuel” and “free-power” to the world. This is the true history of the present education system and the tragedy of science.


Now, once more the universal space-time is getting ready to generate a flood of scientific inventions and discoveries. Our work is also a part of that forthcoming scientific flood. So, as a first step our foundation is to work as an energy source for such emerging scientists.


One of the major missions of our work is also to develop a unified medical science with the spirit of universal oneness. Now, all over the world there are hundreds of medical systems that have locked the science of medicines under the predetermined sensations of profit motive. But locking the medical science under the ‘Make money Philosophy’ is a spiritual crime. According to the ancient Vedic scriptures medical professionals must have one and the only spirit to heal the patient, not grab money. No God has given any right to human beings to make money by exploiting others’ health condition.


Now, there is a need to free the medical science from the greedy sensation of profit motive and the man made egoistic lock-up of all forms of national and international boundaries to develop a true science of medicines. Our mission will work with the eternal cause to liberate the science of medicines from the man made finite boundaries to develop one integrated, unified and elegant medical system with the spirit of universal oneness.


As we know, China gave birth to Acupuncture. Japan gave birth to Acupressure. India gave birth to Ayurveda. Germany gave birth to Homeopathy. Britain gave birth to Allopathy. Apart from all these medical systems there are electropathy, psychopathy, hydrotherapy, physiotherapy and so many other natural tribal medicine systems in every remote corner of the world which we call as naturotherapy.


For jaundice, there is a wonderful cure in Indian naturotherapy, which will take only a week’s time to heal the patient and once after healing it will never repeat in lifetime. When such medicine exists for jaundice it is the universal duty of the medical science to see that not a single jaundice patient in any remote corner of the world should die or suffer from any side effects. This spiritual motto should become the fundamentals of medical science, not the egoistic sensation of boundary or the make money philosophy. It is our spiritual duty to develop this immortal quality in the medical science.


But now, all over the world allopathy is generating hatred towards ayurveda and other medical systems. Ayurveda is generating hatred against allopathy and other medical systems. Acupuncture is generating hatred against allopathy, acupressure and other medical systems. Acupressure is generating hatred against the acupuncture and other medical systems. Naturotherapy is also not out of this language of hatred. All over the world, this has become the ugly quality of the present medical professionals. But hereafter, we must consider this type behaviour pattern of any medical professional as a medical crime. Our duty is not to hear their language of hatred, but to understand the true motto of their money making greediness. Our duty is to free the medical science from the language of hatred. Medical science must follow the language of universal love, not the universal hatred.


To elevate the science of medicines into the universal height of social justice, soon, we intend to call the international conference of the different medical systems in India as a first spiritual step to unify the science of medicines as one integrated unit. We strongly feel that this is one and the only spiritual gift we can give to Hippocrates, the father of the medical science.


Example of our scientific foolishness


The entire scientific world knows that brain and spinal cord constitute the central nervous system. The brain contains some 50 billions nerve cells, or neurons. Each neuron is linked to thousands of others. Tiny electrical signals pass through this vast network, carrying human thoughts and memories. Nerve signals also come into the brain from nerves all over the body, and go out from the brain to the muscles. A nerve signal is a tiny pulse of electricity that travels very fast, almost 100 meters per second along a nerve cell.


When there is electricity flow in every human body do we need earthing or not? Why have we disconnected ourselves from earthing? When there is tension in mind earthing is a must. Otherwise we may witness brain haemorrhage. Even the computer cannot properly function without earthing. Then what about a human being? The shoe that we wear, the roads that we build, the house where we live, and the tall buildings that we construct… everywhere we have insulated ourselves from earthing. What development we have done in this world when we cannot understand the minute law of earthing?


Our sincere call to the world is to end this illusive journey. Now, there is an immediate need to do a soul searching. We need a new beginning to raise the world unto the infinite height of the absolute science. We must realize that inventions are an outcome of unselfish people’s selfless mind.


Let us elevate the world into a new height by digesting the true value of science. Let us usher in a new legend of renaissance in the world. Without violating the natural laws of cosmic creation, let us re-construct the world into an innovative height, so that at least the future generations can enjoy the true glory and the infinite happiness of life.


Note: Nowadays, there is a danger that Quantum Mechanics may be imprisoned in the laboratories. It must realize that all laboratories exist under the domain of the compressive pressure of the spinning atmosphere, where the result of collision will be different from the collision in the infinite space. Testing particle collision in laboratory cannot give the same result in the infinite space, where the space-time interaction will be different from the laboratory limitations.


Though most recent discoveries of Quantum Mechanics are limited to laboratory experiments, the visions of Maxwell, Feynman, Yang-Mills, Heisenberg and other scientists have travelled beyond the domain of the laboratories.

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