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This is not news but I would love for someone to update it. Apparently blood from crocdilians is highly effective, as an antibiotic, against fighting bacteria. It also seems pretty effective at fighting HIV (which antibiotics cannot destroy). In fact crocodile blood extract may be excellent at treating MRSA(methicillin resistant Staphylcoccus aureus) which have annoying resistance to a number of different antibiotics in hospitals.


SYDNEY - Scientists in Australia's tropical north are collecting blood from crocodiles in the hope of developing a powerful antibiotic for humans, after tests showed that the reptile's immune system kills the HIV virus.



The crocodile's immune system is much more powerful than that of humans, preventing life-threatening infections after savage territorial fights which often leave the animals with gaping wounds and missing limbs.







Researchers are studying American alligator blood as a potential source for powerful new antibiotics. Apparently, proteins in the blood can kill E. coli, herpes simplex, and the nasty methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Apparently, many reptiles and amphibians have some of these powerful proteins flowing through their blood.



I loved it. Would it be a hope against HIV?

I've been knowing lots of new chances of finding cures to HIV, Cancer, etc. but I haven't heard anything like "it DO cures".


Great thread ;D


Thank you for the compliment. I love the thought of crocodiles being so muuch superior to humans. IMHO the crocodile blood extract will be purified and used as an effective antibiotic. HIV is a different ball game because it can swap portions of its genome with other HIV's and come up quickly with a new 'strain' which is resistant to the antiviral.


A way to induce the human immune system to work like crocodile's one would be a good key to HIV, but I really think it may sounds fictional. Finding how crocodile is able to destroy HIV in a more efficient way would be excellent.


I think the funny of all is that crocodiles are an unexpected source of cure. I mean, when looking for a cure for cancer, aids (examples), would your first thought be 'crocodiles'??

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