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I post here under speculation so no body will move it here, but feel free to move it elsewhere if you think the idea have some value.

I always been interested to the promises of fusion. Cheap clean energy, but the progres are slow and I am not conviced that the ITER project will give what is expected. The preceding developments of the tokamak design hited many wall, because of instability in the plasma at the high temperatures and intense magnetic field needed.

So I started looking at alternative desing to produce fusion, wiki gives a good overview of these research. I found the Farnsworth–Hirsch Fusor idea interesting by it simplicity. No big magnet to draw the current. Just the energy needed to accelerate the ion to the necessary level for fussion to occur.

The main draw back for further developpement of the idea was the grid errosion.

I thaught of a system that would avoid that.

To clarify my ideas I asked some question on that thread Electrostatic oscillator

I found a simple simulation program writen in java and did some little modifications to illutrate my idea.

I installed the modified 3D- electrostatic simulator here select "charged ring pair" in the first field selection and "Display: Particles (force).

It is late now for me, then I let you take a look and I will explain more tomoro:D


I don't know if some of you saw the focus at the center ?

Each particle follow an 8 shaped orbit around the center. That is where the velocity is maximal and the density also and where, I guess, most of the fusion would occur.

Also I imagine that supperposing a frequency in the voltage could create some increase in the density: the slower orbit will gain energy and the higer orbit will lose energy, but that is very speculative.

It is a crude simulation and in real life many things can disrupt the particles orbits.

In real life the particles would be deuterium and tritium or any other fussionable material like p-B. There will also be electron in the appartus and neutral atoms.

In the simlation the particle are already charged and diistributed randomly in the space. In real life the ion would be created near the interior surface of the vacuum chamber.

On there way to the center they will collide with neutral atoms and lose some energy and/or being deflected and/or ionized... Very complicated system will follow , but maybe after a moment the gas will become completly ionized....?

I asked myself the question: Can I simplify the system more ?


I post here under speculation so no body will move it here, but feel free to move it elsewhere if you think the idea have some value.

I always been interested to the promises of fusion. Cheap clean energy, but the progres are slow and I am not conviced that the ITER project will give what is expected. The preceding developments of the tokamak design hited many wall, because of instability in the plasma at the high temperatures and intense magnetic field needed.

So I started looking at alternative desing to produce fusion, wiki gives a good overview of these research. I found the Farnsworth–Hirsch Fusor idea interesting by it simplicity. No big magnet to draw the current. Just the energy needed to accelerate the ion to the necessary level for fussion to occur.

The main draw back for further developpement of the idea was the grid errosion.

I thaught of a system that would avoid that.

To clarify my ideas I asked some question on that thread Electrostatic oscillator

I found a simple simulation program writen in java and did some little modifications to illutrate my idea.

I installed the modified 3D- electrostatic simulator here select "charged ring pair" in the first field selection and "Display: Particles (force).

It is late now for me, then I let you take a look and I will explain more tomoro:D


I don't know if some of you saw the focus at the center ?

Each particle follow an 8 shaped orbit around the center. That is where the velocity is maximal and the density also and where, I guess, most of the fusion would occur.

Also I imagine that supperposing a frequency in the voltage could create some increase in the density: the slower orbit will gain energy and the higer orbit will lose energy, but that is very speculative.

It is a crude simulation and in real life many things can disrupt the particles orbits.

In real life the particles would be deuterium and tritium or any other fussionable material like p-B. There will also be electron in the appartus and neutral atoms.

In the simlation the particle are already charged and diistributed randomly in the space. In real life the ion would be created near the interior surface of the vacuum chamber.

On there way to the center they will collide with neutral atoms and lose some energy and/or being deflected and/or ionized... Very complicated system will follow , but maybe after a moment the gas will become completly ionized....?

I asked myself the question: Can I simplify the system more ?


How do you have a thermal bath of some sort in a vacuum?

How do you have a thermal bath of some sort in a vacuum?

Sorry I don't understand your question... What is a thermal bath ?


When you create a vacuum in a vessel, there always some atoms and molecules left. The ionization of these atoms will give some ions. The ionization process I was thinking of first is something like in the Farnsworth–Hirsch Fusor


Were you able to see the simulation ?

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