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brain teaser bridge question

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hi guys i want to ask one question which is puzzle


there are 2 bridges exactly twins with no difference at all. out of those 2


bridges one bridge leads to right path and one bridge is defected which


will break in between if we walk......and in front of those 2 bridges are


standing 2 twin brothers exactly of same height and same colour with no


difference at all....... these 2 brothers speaks truth every time and one


lies everytime...but we dont know which brother lies and which one speaks


truth.........and we have to find the right bridge but the situation is


that we can ask only one question from any brother.....remember only one


question from any one and after that question we will be able to judge the


right bridge.......but we dont know which brother lies and which brother


speaks turth....... SO the condition is that we have to ask only one


question from any brother......the question should be such that after


asking the question we will be able to know which is the right bridge but remember only


one question from any one guy and we should be able to judge the right bridge.....so we have to find out what question should we ask??

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lol, that's quite the run-on, is it not? But anyway... "Which bridge will your brother point me to if I ask him which bridge is the safe bridge?" Asking this question to the truth-telling brother will acquire the bad bridge, since the liar would point to the wrong bridge instead of the safe one (as per the question). Asking the liar would make the liar point to the wrong bridge as well, because the truth-telling brother would point to the safe bridge. Since both brothers would point to the bad bridge, you would know which bridge is safe, and you could cross.

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