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Something is probably lost in the translation, but


Meson masses by the mass of the nucleon, and then put him on an angle, taking a tangent. De manera que 45 grados corresponde al proton o neutron, marcado con una P en el dibujo. So 45 degrees corresponds to proton or neutron, marked with a P in the drawing.


Doesn't seem to make sense... :P

  • 3 weeks later...

Why pseuodoscalar mesons can't play the role of Higgs particles?

They just corresponding to rule 2 +2 = 3 +1.That mean by language of metasymmetry 3:1.


I affirm that true Higgs particles are well-known pseudoscalar mesons.

Posted (edited)

Do you fullfill the requirement that the higgs is spin 2?


You are talking about graviton.It is different matter.


Spin of Higgs O

Edited by Yuri Danoyan
multiple post merged
  Yuri Danoyan said:
Do you fullfill the requirement that the higgs is spin 2?


You are talking about graviton.It is different matter.


I am indeed, I apologise, this is what 4 days of 18h days does to me :|

Posted (edited)

What is charm of periodic function y = tan (x)?

y=tan (x)=sin (x)/cos (x); function y=sin(x) is an odd function; function y=cos(x) is an even function.

How about y=tan(x)? Odd or even? Of course odd function,but high rate odd function and here by analogy of metasymmetry we can say it is metasymmetric function.


For charged leptons phenomenon 18 deg:


mu 105.65 ; 6.424 = (45-38.576)deg = (45-2x19)deg



tau 1777 ; 62.165 = (45+17.165)deg = (45+17)deg

Edited by Yuri Danoyan
multiple post merged
  • 10 months later...

Phenomenon of 18 degrees also fit for charged non-stable leptons:


MASS(MeV ) tan^-1 m/Mp


mu 105.65 6.424 = (45-38.576)deg = (45-2x19)deg



tau 1777 62.165 = (45+17.165)deg = (45+17)deg

  • 3 years later...

At first glance it seems that is tautological question.And the first response suggests that it depends on the system of units.It must be remembered that the proton is the main unit of the Universe and the question of why proton has that mass not empty question.

Then i have some calculation experiment which posted http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/31744-phenomenon-of-18-degrees-for-pseudoscalar-mesons/

Phenomenon of 18 degrees also fit for charged non-stable leptons:

MASS(MeV ) tan^-1 m/Mp

mu 105.65; 6.424 = (45-38.576)deg = (45-2x19)deg

tau 1777; 62.165 = (45+17.165)deg = (45+17)deg

It was posted 30 July 2008 -

Shortly results was:

Mpi=Mpr x tan(45-2×18)

Mk=Mpr x tan(45-18)

Md=Mpr x tan(45+18)

Mb=Mpr x tan(45+2×18)

Mpi (mass of pi-meson). Not confusing with pi=3,14

Mpr (mass of proton)


Now after 4 years i guess it connected with Golden ratio phi, Golden spiral, possible ribbed structure of space, obey to Fibonacci numbers law.

phi = 1+2\sin(pi/10) = 1 + 2sin18deg

phi = 1\2csc(pi/10) = 1/2csc18deg


In my my next post i try to show lot of examples as number 18 connected with values of mass elementary particles.

If somebody have question:”What common between angles,tangents and real numbers?”

tan18 deg =0,29, apr.=1/3

pi/10=3,14/10 =0,31, apr.=1/3

My final conclusion: mass of proton have that mass, because it has link with Golden ratio,Golden spiral and Fibonacci numbers.


Amazing coincidence with the number 18 as a multiple number


Proton-to-electron mass ratio = μ = mp/me = 1,836.15267245(75)


1836:18=102: numerical coagulation is 3, in binary 11 symbolizing parity

1836 is symmetric 1+8=9:3+6=9:

Numerical coagulation 1836 is 9; in binary 1001, nice mirror symmetry symbolizing charge conjugation ( +proton; - electron)

1/mu=0,000544 arc tan 0,000544=0,000543, almost the same


Fibonacci consequence: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144 (1-12 obey to structure unfold of space)

2-1=1: 1/1=1: arc tan1=45 deg (start)

144-89=55: 1/55=0.01818: arctan 0.01818=1,04 deg (finish)


Mass of Higgs M=126Gev 126:18=7


Platonic solid is a regular, convex polyhedron.

There are exactly 5 solids which meet those criteria; each is named according to its number of faces.

From 5 Platonic solids only two (Dodecahedron,12 faces and Icosahedron,20 faces) have direct connection with golden mean phi=1,6180

Dihedral angle(Da) of dodecahedron 116.57° tanDa/2 =1,6180=phi

Dihedral angle(Da) of icosahedrons 138.19° tanDa/2 =(1,6180)^2=(phi)^2

360deg/12=30deg; 360deg/20=18deg

Next post we try to show how spectrum of mass of elementary particles connected with Number 12 , 18 degrees and evolution of Universe.


Kepler,Bohr, Heisenberg were numerologists.

Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek - numerologist.

Frank Wilczek "Mass by numbers"

A highly precise calculation of the masses of strongly interacting particles, based on fundamental theory,

is testament to the age-old verity that physical reality embodies simple mathematical laws.


I belong to nonsensical company,but i am happy.


Returning to Wilczek i want to remind his another idea, namely, careful rehabilitation of Mach's principle.

"Total Relativity: Mach 2004" Physics Today April 2004



"Total relativity can also be stated as a symmetry principle. It instructs us that in the primary equations (in other words, before their solution reveals the crucial influence of distant bodies!) we should put motions on an equal footing, not just those that correspond to constant relative all velocity. It claims that the choice of coordinates is entirely a matter of convention and requires that we remove all intrinsic structure from spacetime. On that basis any choice of coordinates should be on equal footing, since the labels implementing the coordinates could be undergoing arbitrary motions. But in general relativity, spacetime is not without structure, and it is not true that all coordinate systems are equally good (notwithstanding contrary statements that pervade the literature--starting, as we've seen, with Einstein's original paper).

General relativity includes a metric field, which tells us how to assign numerical measures to intervals of time and space. It's convenient to choose frames in which the metric field takes its simplest possible form, because in such frames the laws of physics assume their simplest form.

Posing the issue, Einstein versus Mach, as a question of symmetry brings it within a circle of ideas that are central to modern fundamental physics. In the standard electroweak model, we have a Higgs field that breaks local gauge symmetries of the primary equations; in quantum chromodynamics, we have a quark antiquark condensate that breaks both those symmetries and others; and in unification schemes, generalizations of the symmetry breaking idea are used freely. The perspective of symmetry naturally suggests questions that could prove fruitful in the future" of physics. It invites us to contemplate the possibility of primary theories enjoying larger symmetries than are realized in the equivalence principle of general relativity. Mach's principle, from this perspective, is the hypothesis that a larger, primary theory should include total relativity--that is, physical equivalence among all different coordinate systems."


If mass is emergent product whole the Universe, riced question: "Why major unit of the Universe proton(neutron) have a mass that is?"

We must compare for it value mass of proton with other known masses of elementary particles.

  On 11/29/2012 at 4:25 PM, Yuri Danoyan said:

Kepler,Bohr, Heisenberg were numerologists.

Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek - numerologist.

Frank Wilczek "Mass by numbers"

A highly precise calculation of the masses of strongly interacting particles, based on fundamental theory,

is testament to the age-old verity that physical reality embodies simple mathematical laws.


I belong to nonsensical company,but i am happy.

The bolded part is absolutely crucial if you are to count yourself in that company, but you have no fundamental theory.


First of all I would like reminding to you quote from famous neurophysiologist Warren McCulloch, known for his work on the foundation for certain brain theories and his contribution to the cybernetics movement .


He said:


''As I see what we need first and foremost is not correct theory, but some


theory to start from, whereby we may hope to ask a question so that we will


get an answer, if only to the effect that our notion was entirely


erroneous. Most of the time we never even get around to asking the question


in such a form that it can have an answer."(Discussion with John von Neumann


John von Neumann Collected works, Volume 5,p.319)




It was about mind - body relationship and brain function


My question is the following:


I think this is applicable to modern physics?


I put forward 3 questions:


1) 4D space-time?


2) Gravity as a fundamental force?


3) 3 fundamental dimensional constants(G, c, h)?


My attempts to get answers see my essay




Extended version




As a conclusion in the Universe (CGS units)


Vary: G,c,e,alfa(fine-structure constant),Mpr,Mel.
















Constants:h,Mpl,Mpr/Mel,e/m, Cycle of the Universe 144x10^9years.










Uc=144x10^9x31,536,000; aprx. 10^18 sec







Paul Dirac was right!

  On 11/30/2012 at 3:57 AM, Yuri Danoyan said:

As a conclusion in the Universe (CGS units)


Vary: G,c,e,alfa(fine-structure constant),Mpr,Mel.
















Constants:h,Mpl,Mpr/Mel,e/m, Cycle of the Universe 144x10^9years.










Uc=144x10^9x31,536,000; aprx. 10^18 sec







Paul Dirac was right!


If mass is emergent product whole the Universe, question have been rised: "Why major unit of the Universe proton(neutron) have a mass that is?"

We must compare for it value mass of proton with other known masses of elementary particles.

First of all comparing mass of proton with mass of electron.

Why μ = mp/me = 1,836.15267245(75)?

Because values of mass connected with curvature of space doing parametrization proceeding with trigonometric functions and convert values to angles by use function of sin x,cos x,tan x.

1)(sin x=1,that signed proton mass as 90 degrees.Which angle correspond to electron mass?

1/1836,1520=0,000544; arc sin 0,000544=0,0346deg for electron mass

2)cos x=1 that mean the same

3)tan x=1 that mean proton mass as 45deg;arc tan 0,000544 the same

Because tan 45 deg hold balance; equilibrium between 0 and infinity to exploring this version.

The hypothesis: space(L) and time(T) are related to each other from the beginning unfolding of the Universe gradually by Fibonacci numbers to golden ratio.. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233.......

That mean lim L/T=phi=1,61803

L is some kind of special progression

T is simple arithmetic progression.

It can be presented as a golden spiral.The polar equation for a golden spiral is the same as for other logarithmic spirals, but with a special value of the growth factor


lbl=0,005346deg: lbi/10=0,000534; 1/1836=0,00054

Deriving physics from geometry...

Conclusion:mass(M) depend from interrelation of space(L) and time(T).


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