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The Quantum Universe is perceived through theoretical mathematics, then super-imposed upon the 'Standard Model', and this process ultimately affects the 'Cosmological Model' as well. All science and technology becomes affected as a result of the 'domino-effect'. It has been suspected for many years, that this 'train' has skewered down a side-track! There is only one known way to determine 'the truth', and that is through the CERN LHC programs, but not without some extreme risks! The 5.8 billion dollar question is: 'will current Quantum Theory still remain intact?'




Remember: Follow the 'White Rabbit'!


Yes, yes it will, because quantum mechanics is one of the most experimentally tested theories we've got. Which direction will the standard model take (we already know it's incomplete/wrong because of neutrino masses) is a FAR more interesting and relevant question.


It is not the mathematical evidence in question, it is the human perception of the Universal Language, that must endure scrutiny! The human perception variable may be flawed, example: General Relativity - Not only the dimensions can shrink or grow, but our measuring devices are altered as well. Hopefully, the CERN LHC experiments, with the decade (2009-2019) of pre-planned precision-energy upgrades, will render a true glimpse of our 'reality'!?!

It is not the mathematical evidence in question, it is the human perception of the Universal Language, that must endure scrutiny! The human perception variable may be flawed, example: General Relativity - Not only the dimensions can shrink or grow, but our measuring devices are altered as well. Hopefully, the CERN LHC experiments, with the decade (2009-2019) of pre-planned precision-energy upgrades, will render a true glimpse of our 'reality'!?!


I don't understand what you mean. The evidence of quantum mechanics exists, it ties in with the mathematics scarily well... the same applies to SR and GR.

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