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Chemistry in 'New' Applied Fields


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The human race is on the verge of giant leaps, in regard to human understanding! Once the Quantum Universe is better understood, then this will shed 'new' light upon nuclear positionings, molecular bonding, and general chemistry. What was once thought as impossible, may truly become absolute! The true knowledge of the manipulation of Light, Gravity, Mass, Plasmatic Luminosity . . . etc., will lead to mega-advancements concerning 'structural design', and actually in all the applied fields of science and technology! The only known hope for this possibility, is located within the CERN LHC programs. This enlightenment will not come without extreme risks!

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I have heard about the H.P. Lovecraft connection to my work, but I do not associate at all, with his work. I will have to read his books to understand the connection!!!


To: Chemistry Reference; It is obvious, that if we can learn to control (with verifiable mathematics) nuclear positionings, then we will be able to learn how to re-position them, thus altering molecular and chemical bonds! We can make new substances without detonating underground nuclear weapons, as was done for example on the 'Stealth' program, for external coatings.

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Example: Let's assume for a moment, that CERN LHC data confirms evidence to quantum particles, this could lead to a mathematical application to any field you wish to discuss. One of my favorites is nuclear fusion or plasma fusion. If the mathematics now could verify this, there would be operational fusion reactors everywhere. CERN LHC would not be doing this type of development, that would be dealt with at alternate facilities! If you take this statement, and match it to 'any' fields of science, technology, chemistry. . . etc., it will revolutionize any industry; once the mathematical interpretation is accurate, from the LHC quantum discoveries. The 'domino effect'!

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The LHC will have little to say about quantum mechanics, what are quantum "particles", all the subatomic particles in involved in chemistry have already been detected/discovered and are very well understood.


The LHC will mostly be concerned with very high energy physics and things like sypersymetry, and the higgs boson, which effects particle physics, and astrophysics. These are the only two fields that use energies this high.


Fusion doesn't and is unlikely too, the fusion reactions are well understood.


Of course unification would be nice but wouldn't add much to the day to day lives of anyone... not even most physicists.

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We will really have to watch, and wait, but 10 years from now (if either of us are still living), we will no doubt reflect upon this conversation tonight; then we will know for certain!


My mistake, however, I was thinking of gravitational- compression fusion reactions, using nuclear and plasma cores. Of course, the unification formulae simplified may look like: Space = Time = Energy = Mass, this would then mean everything in the Universe is transmutable (if you know how to do it mathematically first!): entire spectrum wavelengths (from one to another, and back again at will!), sonics, chemistry . . . (aleph-null infinitus)!!!


My stance is: CERN LHC quark-gluon splatter results from 'random' collisions of heavy lead(Pb) ions (ALICE: experiments with same-name detectors), will lead to the knowledge of the manipulation, in regard to matter, energy, time, and space (grand unification); which of course would be focused upon the general sciences first (ie.: chemistry, communications, . . .etc.), for further experimentation by seperate worldwide facilities. We must first find the seeds, before we can grow the trees! The ALICE experiments produce hyper-density luminosites, that could accidentally affect gravitational waves. There are ongoing meetings between LSAG, and every department from the Director General on down, and even over to Stephen Hawking. This is my expressed opinion based upon communications I have had, but do not wish to elaborate upon!!! If you care not to believe this, then that is your choice.

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