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As part of my PhD at the University of York, I'm currently conducting an online study looking at personality traits and social behaviours. I am looking to recruit a large cross-section of high-functioning participants (so I figure where better than a science forum).


All participants will be entered into a prize draw for up to £50 of Amazon gift vouchers, and the warm feeling of helping out a poor PhD student and advancing our knowledge of human personality.


If you are interested in taking part go to: this page and follow the instructions on screen.


If people are interested, I will post a short summary of my results to the message board once the data analysis is done.

  YT2095 said:
it`s hardly anon if you`r asking for peoples email addresses is it? :P


The e-mail addresses are keept seperatly from the rest of the data, entierly voluntary and not necessary for the completion of the study...


Basically it's there because I need some way of telling you if you've won the prize draw :D

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