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When I was 8 or 9 or so...I had night terrors, they started off pretty randomly and not very often. But eventually they started to get bad, no violent or anything, but frequent. So, I went to the doctors. Well, when I was in pre-school I was left handed. But, I went to a Catholic school. The crazy nuns made me write with my right hand. The doctors said that people that write with there left hand think with the right side of there brain and people that write with there right hand think with the left side of there brain.When they made me switch hands it messed up something, causing night terrors. I'm not sure if this is right, but maybe...it made me incredible intellegent. :) Heh. Has anyone ever heard of this before? Or anything like that? Please, id love some feedback, or is my doctor crazy?


One doesn't 'think' purely with one hemisphere of the brain although some functions are performed predominantly by a specific half.


Personally, I would say that the night terrors were an effect of the stress of the nuns' attitudes towards you and possibly feelings of helplessness and fear. Forcing you to reverse something as natural as being left handed could quite easily cause emotional trauma that manifests as night terrors. It's not so much being forced to write with the wrong hand but more a case of lack of control of ones own life and a feeling of vunerability.


That makes sense. Though, people only use 10% of their brain in there lifetime. I remember one time when this neo-nazi tried to convince me that the reason he hated black people was because they're brains weren't as developed as cacausions. But then I reminded him that even if their brains were half the size as ours they are still capable of using more of it then us.


Opinionated neo-nazis aside, it's not actually the case that we only use 10% of our brains. All of our brain is used at some time for different tasks such as sight, smell, thought etc.


Some reason that we are only using a fragment of our brain and that if only the rest can be unlocked we will have access to a new level of knowledge and understanding. This is usually said just before they tell you they can sell you their miraculous method of "unlocking the potential within" or some such rubbish that will allow you to levitate and perform acts of telekensis.


I don't buy it, it smacks of pseudoscience.


Exactly. Different parts of the brain are designed for different tasks. There is no dormant 85% percent that needs to be awoken.


It's akin to saying that we only use 10% of our muscles to perform a certain act. If we could use all the muscles in our body to perform the task then we will become magnitudes better at it. I can't think of many practical examples where training my tongue will help me jump higher!


We wouldn't necessarily.


It's difficult to do things with your arms - for instance - if you are using both your biceps and triceps at the same time.


That's the point I'm making, I just didn't make it very clear in the post above but the bicep/tricep analogy makes the point nicely.


The theory that people who suffer from [insert mental problem] is a result of being taught to use the wrong hand to write with has been discredited. The terrors are probally a result of something else. And your doctor is using out of date physcology.


I learnt all this a few days ago from a book about symmetry in nature. Very interesting subject.

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