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Now, before asking my question i would like to say i am just a 14 year old kid i dont have any degrees in science whatsoever and if i state false information of any kind i would like to be corrected after all thats why i am posting here


I have recently been introduced to the 10 dimension idea ( my source of information : http://revver.com/video/99898/imagining-the-tenth-dimension/ )

My question is if someone from the dimensions above would be to travel from there universe to are universe ( note that since there laws of physics are diffrent this may be possible, while in this universe it is not (until further notice)) and what effects this would have on us ?


I think you have the wrong idea. From what I gather, when one talks of 10 dimensions, one is not talking about different universes or anything like that (you might be thinking of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Many_worlds but that suggests many more than 10 "universes") but is talking about spacial dimension, in the same way that you have 3 dimensions (i.e height, width and breadth).


The idea being that you don't have just 3 spacial dimensions but in fact 10 spacial dimensions (this is very difficult to imagine, hence the video and various other resources trying to provide a way to imagine it). From what I remember, the ideas that suggest a greater number of spacial dimensions usually say that the dimensions other than the 3 we normally consider are very small and unnoticable, but that sort of thing is probably a massive oversimplification told to the general public on documentaries etc (I'm not a physicist).


Like Mr SwordFish i too do not have any degree but i am 12. To the question of swordfish

I agree with the answer Aternus about the common oversimplification about the 10 dimensions theory. If you follow other theorys and theorize that there are other univeses (e.g. the multi-univese theory) it could be possible for some bein from another dimesion could theoratical transport to our own univese but we would never see them becuase they would not be in our own dimesion so we would never know if they are here


My advice is to first get acquainted with the ideas of zero, one, two and three dimensional euclidean spaces first. In particular get comfortable with the notion of local coordinates and dimension. Once you get that straight thinking about higher dimensions (and then curved spaces) will be straight forward.

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