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Most of analytical chemistry would appear in the chemistry area, whereas bioanalytics tend to wind up in in the biochemistry subforum. While the distinction in disciplines might be debatable, there are usually not enough posts to to warrant a distinct subforum.


Or a biochemistry forum.

Or a polymer chemistry forum.

Or a chemical engineering forum.


Then again, very often people who start threads (those with many questions) don't know where to put something (how often don't we see organic and inorganic chemistry mixed up?), so I think 4 chemistry threads, 6 physics subforums, an engineering subforum and a bunch of other topics are enough. Enough anyway to dazzle some of the younger members (not me).


In general, the three main branches of chemistry are Inorganic, Organic and Physical. There are obviously many smaller ones. I'm just surprised "physical chemistry" falls the wrong side of the line and does not have its own forum

Why would there be one?

(and I'm an analytical chemist BTW)


I think this was pretty much an invitation to ask any question related to analytical chemistry. It surely would encourage me, not scare me away.

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