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A good candidate for medical school?


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Ok, let me tell you about myself. I live in NY and go to college in NY. I intend on attending medical school 3 years from now. I am technically a Junior, credit-wise, however this is my second year as a college student. I brought to college 36 credits from College-High School programs ran by two popular universities in the state. In English I took 12 credits in (more than enough to satisfy what was needed), but I averaged I believe a B+ (however, i was awarded with a small scholarship in English in senior year, I was the only one, how ironic b/c I didn't do the best). For the most part my other credits were A's (maybe one or two A-). Now my first year of college (last year) I brought in 6 A+s, 3 A-s. My GPA is 3.85 currently. I decided at the end of last semester (Spring '08) to follow through Pre-Med and eventually try to get into med school. I am not a BIO major, I am a Psychology major, in which every class in psych is an A+, and I expect to graduate with a 4.0 (Highest Honors and member of Psi Chi (National Psych Honor Society)). I can't imagine getting any lower than A-s on all my sciences, in which now I am taking General Bio I, and Gen. Chem I, next semester will be Bio and Chem II. The year following will be a whole year of Organic chem and physics (I am not afraid of physics whatsoever, as I did exceptional in HS). I volunteered a a teaching hospital (Winthrop U. Med. Hospital) and am currently shadowing a neurologist who is in charge of Multiple Sclerosis health care for a major Health chain that is pronounced in most of NY state. My mother has MS and I want to be a neurologist. The DR i am shadowing has some neurologist friends at the school I want to attend, Stony Brook University Med School, and a NP who works with the DR teaches there in the nursing program. I plan to take the MCATs a year from this coming April/May, right after I finish physics and organic. I have no problem working on HW and everything for hours and working as hard as I can. I want this so bad. I still fear that I will apply to med schools with the most basic requirements (I have no time to take Calculus, but I got an A+ in precalc without attending class, so it's not a matter of being able to do "the math")>However I did get an A+ in Statistics. I will write on my applications that I am going to take biochem, genetics, advanced Anatomy and Physiology, and HOPEFULLY if i can find a neuroscience class, in my last year. I have the ability to write an amazing personal statement, and I can ace the interview, i believe. But, the scare is not even getting to get an interview. I am willing to go to almost any medical school, not just Stony Brook (though I'd like to stay in NY, but I don't have to). Is this going to be possible? Will I make my dream come true if I still to it? I should hopefully graduate with a 3.8-3.9GPA, and I took a practice MCAT in about an hour and a half in a cafe, while never taking college science (or CHEMISTRY AT ALL) and scored a 17. Why can't I get a 35 after studying and taking the courses, etc? I believe in me, but is that enough? I'm going to try and get into some lab research, but I'm trying everything. I'm even going to volunteer at Stony Brook Hospital, Dept. of Neurology in the winter. I have 2 recommendations from Psych professors already, I need to get from sciences. Hopefully the DR I'm shadowing will recommend me in a letter as well... So what are my chances? (PS, I would even go to DO school if need be!). Thanks for reading, I appreciate your time!

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A fellow Stony Brooker, huh?


I suggest you post over at student doctor forums. this isn't really a medicine forum.



Also, CHILL THE **** OUT. I'm applying to med schools (Md/PhD) right now with a 32 MCAT and a 3.58 GPA. Do I expect to get into every school I apply? No of course not. But hopefully I'll get in somewhere, and if not I'll try again next year.


This exactly why pre-med students are so hated. The ones with the best scores freak out the most, and make the whole process that much more self-selecting and difficult for everyone.


No, it's not a big deal that you got a 17 when you tried to take a 5 hour test in 1.5 hours without all the classes.


Calm down, chill out. You're on your way on becoming a really good applicant (better than me by a long shot). The difference between us is that I'm relaxed and confident, and you're annoying and neurotic. That definitely comes across in interviews.

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