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Need Electro Help!


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Hi. I suffer from chronic ill health, migraine headaches, ADHD, arthritic pain, depression, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, lack of alertness and other depressed immune conditions. After many years search, the cause of my sickness was diagnosed as technological pollution. Technological pollution, in the form of electromagnetic fields emanating from electricity, microwave towers and our AC wiring system. Please tell me what I can use to measure and record these fields as I go about my day to day activities. I would like to record every time I come into contact with a frequency or field that is of a strength that would be harmful to my immune/ nervous system. It would be great if there existed a computer program that could do all this for me as I don’t have any technical experience in this area.

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I doubt you will find something that will record when you are exposed to an electromagnetic field that could be "harmful", because it is debatable whether they even are harmful -- nobody knows at what strength they might be.


One simple experiment would be to build a large Faraday cage out of thick aluminum foil (preferably several layers) or fine metal mesh. All you do is build a wood box and wrap it in the foil (leaving a door to get in, of course), then step inside and seal it up. You would receive much reduced electromagnetic radiation inside the box, and you can then see if you actually feel better.

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I doubt you will find something that will record when you are exposed to an electromagnetic field that could be "harmful", because it is debatable whether they even are harmful -- nobody knows at what strength they might be.


One simple experiment would be to build a large Faraday cage out of thick aluminum foil (preferably several layers) or fine metal mesh. All you do is build a wood box and wrap it in the foil (leaving a door to get in, of course), then step inside and seal it up. You would receive much reduced electromagnetic radiation inside the box, and you can then see if you actually feel better.


That is not a double blind test so wouldn't count as evidence in favour of Technological pollution actually existing. Last I heard it had failed every double blind test put against it but that was a few years ago.


Therefore my advice is simple, if this makes you feel better Focus it's just a placebo.


It's very difficult to shield against EM radiation... one of the most important things to do is block emitters like lights and the sun...

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I doubt you will find something that will record when you are exposed to an electromagnetic field that could be "harmful", because it is debatable whether they even are harmful -- nobody knows at what strength they might be.


One simple experiment would be to build a large Faraday cage out of thick aluminum foil (preferably several layers) or fine metal mesh. All you do is build a wood box and wrap it in the foil (leaving a door to get in, of course), then step inside and seal it up. You would receive much reduced electromagnetic radiation inside the box, and you can then see if you actually feel better.


Note that if you actually follow this advice you will suffocate.

Mesh screened holes would be a good idea.

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There have been a lot of scientists researching possible health effects of EM radiation. To date, the result is zero. EM will not cause harm to human health, even at levels experienced by people who live under high voltage power cables.


The reality is that your problems almost certainly have a different cause. You will receive more harm, by far, from the psychological effects of worrying about EM than the radiation itself can ever deliver.


There are, for example, a bunch of viruses that can cause ailments with symptoms like yours. Not much you can do about them, except maintain a healthy life style. They often disappear in time, as the human immune system finally gets on top of them.


I recommend you consult a medical virologist. And avoid quacks.

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