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From http://www.globalcarbonproject.org/global/pdf/Press%20Release_GCP.pdf'>http://www.globalcarbonproject.org/global/pdf/Press%20Release_GCP.pdf

Main (home) website: http://www.globalcarbonproject.org/

Despite the increasing international sense of urgency, the growth rate of emissions continued to speed up, bringing the atmospheric CO2 concentration to 383 parts per million (ppm) in 2007.


Natural CO2 sinks are growing but slower than the atmospheric CO2 growth, which has been increasing at 2 ppm since 2000 or 33% faster than the previous 20 years.


Emissions growth for 2000-2007 was above even the most fossil fuel intensive scenario of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (SRES-IPCC).

Just a selection of quotes from the article. There is more background information...


I have little to say. I don't want any climate change discussion here. Just numbers of CO2 emissions. People changing the atmosphere's composition. That's a fact. The effects of that can be discussed in other threads.


I'll just add this xkcd.com cartoon:



There are three ways humans have added to the CO2 emissions because of good intentions. The first has to do with restricting alternations in forests that involve the removal of underbrush. The result is a significant increase in the CO2 emissions due to the scope of forest fires. One can get fined or go to jail for helping to reduce the risk of forest fires and the extra CO2 that can be prevented.


Another was the emissions equipment restrictions placed on autos. This lowers fuel efficiency for any motor resulting in more fuel consumption for any motor increasing the net C emissions. The fuel conversion efficiency also converts more heavier molecules into pure CO2.


The third human intervention was the restriction on nuclear power plant construction. This resulted in greater fossil fuel dependency and slowed the evolution of nuclear power. The result has been much more CO2 emission.

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