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Politicians on Entertainment Shows (Sarah Palin on SNL Saturday)


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Rumor has it that Sarah Palin will show up on Saturday Night Live this week (Edit: Looks like this will be happening on 10/18 or 10/25). I mention it mainly for the political interest, though it's surely going to be a comedy bit.




What do you all think of all these politicians showing up on entertainment shows? I've always thought it was kinda bogus, though the appearances themselves can be amusing.

Edited by Pangloss
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The only thing valuable, that I can see, is demonstrating they can take a joke and have a sense of humor. Reading the blogs under that article, it would appear SNL only attracts liberal minded folk and they see her as a hater. I'm not sure how it could hurt her at all to do the show, that's for sure.

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Politicians go on shows like SNL or the Daily Show to show that they have a sense of humor about themselves and to attract the youth vote. More importantly, though, it has a way of "diffusing" the mockery. If SNL makes fun of me and I seem offended, it gives weight to it. If, however, I then show up and participate in it, it becomes more like joking among friends, and there's more of a "just kidding" feeling, at least in theory. For example, John McCain tried to take the sting out of mockery about his age by going on SNL and declaring that "most importantly, America needs a President who is incredibly old." In Sarah Palin's case, I get the impression the writers really do think she's kind of an idiot, so successfully getting "in on the joke" could be very beneficial for her. Of course, just because you go on the show doesn't make it convincing, and there have been plenty of very painful to watch political hosts.

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I can't help but think she internally absolutely hates the idea of going on that show - all those sinners, that probably read books that should have been banned, that did a skit on her husband and daughter committing incest, that have wildly different ideas of moral behavior pushing her limits of the appearance of tolerance.


That's a bit shallow of me, but she reminds me of a neighbor that pushed me to hanging a sign on my porch that said "No White Christian Trash Allowed". No offense, but she had it coming.

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Politicians have been doing this for a long time, trying to "connect" when they are viewed as out-of-touch. Nixon was on Laugh-In, trying to look hip. "Sock it to me?" and it helped, since he appeared self-deprecating and less stodgy. Humphrey declined to appear, and it may have cost him the election.

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In a democracy where it really matters that you have:


1. A pretty face

2. A nice wife/husband and kids

3. Good oneliners


... I can definitely see the added value of appearances in entertainment shows. Democracy is not about contents, or about wise government. It's about attracting votes by any means possible. Isn't it?

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It is a very weak season for SNL.


I stopped watching SNL years ago when the last redeeming members of the cast left. However Tina Fey's return has enough to get me to watch those segments, but maybe that's just 30 Rock rubbing off.

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Alec Baldwin wrote a brief but amusing piece for the Huffington Post today about Palin's appearance:



Several people decried SNL for giving her a spot on the show. You're kidding, right? The woman is the Vice Presidential nominee of one of the two major parties in this country. Don't put her on SNL? With all of her exposure and the Tina Fey performance? What reality are you in?


He also conveys an interesting story about a time in 1998 when he met Henry Kissinger. Worth a read.

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