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I voted!


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This thread will probably cater to US citizens, but if you recently voted in your country's national elections, feel to post here too. I'm going to go ahead and give a gist of who I voted for as well, but feel free to just say you voted.


I voted! In my case, I voted for Obama for president, Udall for Senate, and Polis for Congress.


The respective predictions of these people taking office (courtesy http://FiveThirtyEight.com): Obama 93%, Udall 94%, Polis 99%


So I have pretty good confidence that I voted for the winners :)

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I also voted Obama and Udall, but I wrote my own name in for everything else. :D


I found eliminating the state tax credit on oil and gas particularly satisfying, but only because of the insulting campaign the industry ran against the amendment. One ad highlighted the opening to the amendment ("Shall the state taxes be increased $321M....") and conveniently forgot to mention that the tax increase only applies to those who extract oil from our ground, and is actually just a repeal of a tax credit they've been getting for 30 years. They also imply, in another ad, that eliminating the credit will hurt everyone because oil and gas will increase in price to compensate. In a 4-color pamphlet I got, they show a mother with a newborn on the verge of tears, paid for by the companies that will jack up the price if you vote to eliminate the subsidy. The whole campaign felt like a Mafia shakedown. "I'm sure you wouldn't want anyone to get hurt, God forbid." :mad:


So I have pretty good confidence that I voted for the winners :)
ParanoiA is going to have a fit, a fit I say!
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