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Mainly ketone bodies are produced as by-products when fatty acids are broken down for energy in the liver and kidney. They are used as a source of energy in the heart and brain in case of starvation and diabetes.


It has been found that ketone bodies are present in the blood of pragnent women and in neonates also. i want to know why they are produced in the them?


Could it be for the same reasons that pregnant women are prone to gestational diabetes, or perhaps a consequence of that diabetes?

Could it be for the same reasons that pregnant women are prone to gestational diabetes, or perhaps a consequence of that diabetes?


can u explain me how a pregnant women is pron to gestational diabetes?


Well, when a woman is pregnant, there is an increased risk for her to become diabetic. They call it "gestational diabetes" because it tends to go away once the child is born.


Mostly, the mother's body changes it's metabolism while the baby is growing inside of her, and often her own secretions of insulin (and also her sensitivity to the insulin being released) goes down.


Here's a pretty good site giving details about this. I hope it helps.




Now, as for why ketones form in the first place, check this one out (basically, the body cannot break down glucose, so starts breaking down fat for energy, and the breakdown of fat in large amounts causes the build-up of ketones):


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