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Mmmm, credit crunch...now with raisins and hazelnuts!


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So the direct effects of the economic crisis hit yesterday, as I was told I was being made redundant. Although I get quite a tidy sum on leaving, my current job is very flexible which is ideal for my degree, plus I'll miss the people I work with. At first I was surprisingly happy, at the prospect of trying something new (providing I can find something else...the economy being what it is) and getting a nice lump sum.


However, now it's sunk in, I'm feeling a bit glum, and I'm stuck here for another six months...which is a long time with absolutely no motivation to do anything...bar posting on here.


In any case, has anyone else had any direct or non direct problems arise due to the failing economy, or are you carrying on regardless, and only realise there's a financial crisis due to the constant exposure it's had in the media ?

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Not yet directly myself, but I do have some friends struggling with the cost saving measures their employers have been taking, like reduced hours and decreased headcount.


Try getting a job of any sort to keep you active and employed, even if you're just pouring coffee or pumping gas. It looks better to prospective employers when you don't go for any consistent stretches of time being out of work, and good luck with it all. Could wind up being the best thing that's ever happened to you. Only time will tell.

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