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A:Hmm this one I suppose.Look at this though.http://pw1.netcom.com/~hjsmith/WireFrame4/tesseract.html


Q:Favourite kind of birth control?(please dont answer abstinence.)

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A: Don't have one. (Mainly because I've never had the need to use one :)).


Q: What's your favourite colour? (has this been asked before?)

A: Don't have one. (Mainly because I've never had the need to use one :)).


Q: What's your favourite colour? (has this been asked before?)




A:I love white.


Q:Cable or satelite?


A: We have satellite at home (digital TV), and that rocks a lot so I'll go with that.


Q: Analogue or digital radio?


A: White


By the way, the tallest fully habitable building is actually this: http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/asiapcf/east/10/17/taiwan.tower/

The internal construction isn't fully complete but it has reached its full height. Being of Canadian birth myself I wish the CN Tower were the tallest, but it's only habitable up to about three quarters of the way or something. Anyway, back to the questions:


Q: EU or no EU?


A:Why do women have smaller feet than men?

So they can stand closer to the kitchen sink. :D


Q:does anyonw know what this emoticon means?: ; &[}


A: It's a matter of a perspective. In Psychology this is called Schizophrenia ( just kiddin')


Q: What does the "ID10T" error message mean in plain english?


A: It means your computer has given the internet a virus and it's about to crash.


Q: Why has this thread gone on for so damn long?


A: Because it's funny. :) But to get a little more on topic again, or at least more serious...


Q: Do you believe in free will, or do you believe in fate? (one or the other)


A. Joking with ad staff of college newspaper, 1976, forgot to correct my joke, printed 500 papers with "Furd/Dull" banner under the faces of Gerald Ford and Bob Dole in a paid GOP ad.


Q. Cats or Dogs?

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