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superconductor levitation above a magnetic track?

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I have a science fair coming up for school, and while I have been doing a ton of research, I have a few questions. I am attempting to recreate an experiment in which a supercondcutor levitates back and forth along a track of permanent magnets. The track consists of 23 magnets, 3 magnets to a row, 7 magnets long, and 2 magnets laying perpendicular to the track. The experiment I am attempting to recreate is shown here at 3:52


The project even comes with very specific instructions shown here http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0803/0803.3090v1.pdf


The instructions specify that a (3 cm hexagonal) enhanced flux pinning YBCO superconductor was used. My problem is the store in which they purchased their superconductor has been discontinued.


Other websites and stores do sell enhanced flux pinning superconductors, but the largest diameter disk I have found is only .5" in diamter, and would be a bit too small for my audience. Anyone know of a website that sells enhanced flux pinning superconductors that are at least 1 inch in diamter? I have searched the Internet far and wide and I don't think such a store currently exists. So . . . If I do not purchase a special enhanced flux pinning superconductor will my project still work as shown in the video?


My options of "normal" superconductors that are not enhanced flux pinning are (1 inch daimeter) YBCO or Bismuth based superconductors available here http://www.users.qwest.net/~csconductor/.

My understanding is the Bismuth based superconductors will levitate longer than the Yitrium based superconductor when cooled?




As a side note the instructions specified that magnets of 3" x 1/2" x 1/4" were used. The instructions claimed that these magnets are available for $4 each. The cheapest I have found these ND-FE-B grade N42 is for $8.50 each shown here http://www.kjmagnetics.com/products.asp?cat=11 Does anyone have a link or know of somewhere where I can purchase these magnets cheaper?


The school is providing $250 towards the project, and the less I have to spend from my own pocket the better


Thanks for your time, any links and information are much appreciated!

Edited by Strider

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