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GE makes incandescent-shaped CFL bulb


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I don't get it. CFLs inside of incandescent-bulb shaped cases have been around for years. I've got a bunch of them myself, which IIRC I originally got at IKEA about 4 years ago, although I'm sure you can get them elsewhere. Surely they're showing off that particular one for different reasons. Like, what's the deal with the "electronics package?"

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hmmm, it's cool but I'm not sure why it's necessary. If you can build the CFL inside the bulb of a traditional incandescent, then why not just build the CFL to that spec and just leave the bulb out of it? Seems like a waste.


some lamp shades have a wire clip that clips directly to the lightbulb.

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I don't get it. CFLs inside of incandescent-bulb shaped cases have been around for years.


But do they have a form factor identical to a traditional incandescent? These bulbs appear to be substantially smaller than traditional CFLs, especially around the base.


People on YouTube are also saying they're dimmable and cheaper than traditional CFLs. Of course people on YouTube are idiots.

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That's generally the same shape as an incandescent, however it appears to be substantially wider near the base, and also possibly a bit longer than a normal incandescent.


That bulb will not fit in all the same fixtures as an incandescent.

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