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lab safety posters


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this is becoming a bigger issue. I decided to make a few of my own, but I also wanted to buy some...


I found a perfect set on amazon.ca, then went to our stores guy and he said it can't be done. I thought to myself "this guy's an idiot... the purchaser at headquarters can do it" so i called him and he says it's impossible for a giant college with 17 campuses to purchase things from amazon.


Can you grasp that? a modern day insitution, with hundreds of employees and thousands of students can't make an online purchase when millions of individuals can?




Yea, but he lives at the North Pole!..:D


i'm further south than you

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they didn't need to. Basically these guys are unaware that it is actually possible to do something you've never done before. I got an uproar the first time i tried to buy from a company that wasn't sargent-welch. It took some time to convince them that the company i had found on the internet was cheaper and better

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Well, I ended up buying equipment for my lab out of my pocket several times already because I did not want to spend 500$ on something that I could get for 30$ (+ some soldering).


Do you have some method to get reimbursed?

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In theory yes. Though apparently there is rumored to be a list of good shops, where you get reimbursed fairly quickly whereas if you bought them from someplace else you may have to wait until you retire or get tenured, whatever happens first. I have the feeling that I shopped from one of the latter ones.

I think that in truth the administration has just started the rumor so they can have some fun with the researchers, though.


Over time I have accumulated quite a selection of cheapish stuff that I bought for various labs (including boxes, various tools, glass plates, PSUs and so on) now for which I did not got reimbursed while I was working at the respective institute. I could safe quite some money just by staying at one place for a little longer, methinks...

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