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recombinant life-forms

the guy

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i've been reading about chimera, and i was wondering whether it would be possible to insert wolf claw cells or hair cells into a human embryo and make some sort of wolf-man.:confused:

i know this would be morally wrong im just talking theoretically so don't get all accusing and start saying how sick i am.

if you're wondering what im talking about please read this:


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It would likely be possible. If it was not done extremely early in life, then it would require strong immunosuppressants to prevent the immune system from attacking the foreign cells. The experiment you suggest will unfortunately not give people superpowers.

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I'm no expert, but here's my speculation: a developing embryo is very sensitive to disturbances since its developmental processes require a very precise timing and spatial organization of events. I'd imagine cells that are completely foreign in morphology and composition could could easily disturb (confuse) this process and destroy the embryo immediately, so you'll highly unlikely get anything viable out of the experiment. But even if the embryo is viable for a some period of time, it'll probably develop into something so out of whack it will simply die at a later stage of development. However, a good story here: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,353884,00.html, suggests that you can have wolf claws as an adult. All you have to do is ask your doctor to fry your immune system and inject some wolf organ stem cells into you.

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don't patronise me please i didn't say anything about superpowers in there


Sorry, there are the occasional crazies and its best to be careful. As I said, it should be possible. I remember reading that they managed to grow a human ear inside a mouse.



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Sorry, there are the occasional crazies and its best to be careful. As I said, it should be possible. I remember reading that they managed to grow a human ear inside a mouse.


dont worry i understand

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However, a good story here: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,353884,00.html, suggests that you can have wolf claws as an adult. All you have to do is ask your doctor to fry your immune system and inject some wolf organ stem cells into you.


it doen't really say that at all

could you explain, it doesnt say anything about foreign tissue.

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