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i tried to prove this equation in differential way..


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Please learn to use this forum's [math] capability. That way I can quote your work and help you along the way.


You didn't get the right answer because you solved the wrong problem. The problem at hand is to show


[math]\frac{d^n}{dx^n}\left(x^{n-1}e^{1/x}\right) = (-1)^n\frac{e^{1/x}}{x^{n+1}}[/math]


Define some terms to make this a bit easier to understand: Let


[math]f_n(x) \equiv x^{n-1}e^{1/x}[/math]

[math]g_n(x) \equiv (-1)^n\frac{e^{1/x}}{x^{n+1}}[/math]


With these definitions, the problem is


[math]\frac{d^n}{dx^n}f_n(x) = g_n(x)[/math]


Hint: Forget about the right-hand side for a bit. First find a way to express [math]\frac{d^{n+1}}{dx^{n+1}}f_{n+1}(x)[/math].

Second hint: [math]f_{n+1}(x) = xf_n(x)[/math]

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Re LaTeX: See this Quick LaTeX Tutorial thread. Apparently MathType can export LaTex. See http://www.dessci.com/en/support/mathtype/workswith/t/latexee.htm.



You didn't do anything close to what I suggested you do. I said to forget about the right-hand side for a bit. The problem is that you are ignoring that the functions being differentiated are themselves a series.


Hint: Given only that [math]f_{n+1}(x) = xf_n(x)[/math], what is [math]\frac{d^{\,k}}{dx^k}f_{n+1}(x)[/math]?

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You are ignoring that the functions being differentiated on the left-hand side are different for each n. In particular, this statement is wrong: "so when we do another derivative we should get the n=k+1"


Please type your posts! I had to type your response by hand because there is no way to quote or cut-and-paste text from an image.

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so my mistake is by defferentiating the "k" expression instead of the k+1




what is the k+1 expression??


if i will input n=k+1 into the given expression

i would get


{{d^{k + 1} } \over {dx^{k + 1} }}(x^k e^{{1 \over x}} ) = ( - 1)^{k + 1} {{e^{{1 \over x}} } \over {x^{k + 2} }}



obviously that the expression i should get as a result

so what expression should i differentiate

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[math]f_n (x) \equiv x^{n - 1} e^{1/x} [/math] \cr

[math]g_n (x) \equiv ( - 1)^n {{e^{1/x} } \over {x^{n + 1} }}[/math] \cr

[math]{{d^n } \over {dx^n }}f_n (x) = g_n (x)[/math] \cr

our{\rm{ n + 1 expression is:}} \cr

[math]{{d^{n + 1} } \over {dx^{n + 1} }}f_{n + 1} (x)[/math] \cr

[math]f_{n + 1} (x) \equiv x^n e^{1/x} = xx^{n - 1} e^{1/x} = x*f(x)[/math] \cr

[math]{{d^{n + 1} } \over {dx^{n + 1} }}x*f(x)[/math] \cr

{\rm{i dont know what to do now??}} \cr}

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What you do now is find a way to express [math]\frac{d^{n+1}}{dx^{n+1}}f_{n+1}(x)[/math] in terms of [math]f_n(x)[/math]




[math]f_{n+1}(x) = x f_n(x)[/math]




[math]\frac{d}{dx}f_{n+1}(x) = x\frac{d}{dx}f_n(x) + f_n(x)[/math]


What happens when you differentiate again, and again, and ... n+1 times? Can you see a pattern arising?

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i see that after the n+1 differentiations

there will be x*f'(x) in the start

i cant see how would look he rest of the expression?

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even if we will find some pattern that matches the n+1 case

its only a pattern

its not a mathematical proof

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I already showed you the first derivative, a simple application of the chain rule:


[math]\frac{d}{dx}f_{n+1}(x) = x\frac{d}{dx}f_n(x) + f_n(x)[/math]


Differentiate the above to get the second derivative of fn+1(x).

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& [math]{d \over {dx}}f_{n + 1} (x) = x{d \over {dx}}f_n (x) + f_n (x)[/math] \cr


{{d^2 } \over {dx^2 }}f_{n + 1} (x) = {d \over {dx}}f_n (x) + x{{d^2 } \over {dx^2 }}f_n (x) + {d \over {dx}}f_n (x) = x{{d^2 } \over {dx^2 }}f_n (x) + 2{d \over {dx}}f_n (x)






\frac{{d^3 }}{{dx^3 }}f_{n + 1} (x) = \frac{d}{{dx}}[x\frac{{d^2 }}{{dx^2 }}f_n (x) + 2\frac{d}{{dx}}f_n (x)] = x\frac{{d^3 }}{{dx^3 }}f_n (x) + 3\frac{d}{{dx}}f_n (x) \\


\frac{{d^n }}{{dx^n }}f_{n + 1} (x) = x\frac{{d^n }}{{dx^n }}f_n (x) + n\frac{d}{{dx}}f_n (x) \\




am i correct?

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You made a mistake in deriving the third derivative. That led you to the wrong pattern in the nth derivative of fn+1(x).


Seeing tentative patterns and then proving them to be true is how a lot of the recursive-type relations were developed.

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What is [math]\frac{d}{dx}\left(\frac{d}{dx}f_n(x)\right)[/math']?

its the second derivative

obviously its not



\frac{{d^2 }}{{dx^2 }}f_{n } (x)


if you are pointing at this place.


so what is it?

Good lord. Obviously that is exactly what it is.

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Your mistake is here:



\frac{{d^3 }}{{dx^3 }}f_{n + 1} (x) = \frac{d}{{dx}}[x\frac{{d^2 }}{{dx^2 }}f_n (x) + 2\frac{d}{{dx}}f_n (x)] = x\frac{{d^3 }}{{dx^3 }}f_n (x) + 3\frac{d}{{dx}}f_n (x)[/math]


which led you to make this mistake here:


[math]\frac{{d^n }}{{dx^n }}f_{n + 1} (x) = x\frac{{d^n }}{{dx^n }}f_n (x) + n\frac{d}{{dx}}f_n (x)[/math]
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is this the correct third derivative



[math]\frac{{d^3 }}{{dx^3 }}f_{n + 1} (x) = \frac{d}{{dx}}[x\frac{{d^2 }}{{dx^2 }}f_n (x) + 2\frac{d}{{dx}}f_n (x)] = \frac{{d^2 }}{{dx^2 }}f_n (x) + x\frac{{d^3 }}{{dx^3 }}f_n (x) + 2\frac{{d^2 }}{{dx^2 }}f_n (x)


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