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you now have 2 threads to this effect, which one do you wish to keep?

and I`ll ask the same in this thread as I did in the other one.

What make you feel this way?


and no, it`s NOT an attack on you, I`m genuinely interested :)

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I hate to take sides, but I don`t see sayos request for evidence or backup as unreasonable in that or ANY instance, it`s a perfectly natural thing to ask and wish to see.

but I would like to hear Trueloves side also :)


and btw, time`s up on the other thread, it`s being removed, I`ve seen you still online and you`ve not responded, so I`m removing your 1`st post and you`ll have to use this one instead.

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guys' date='


Spring is a good time to do some cleaning.

Sayonara3 in not fit to be a moderator.

Lets fire him now![/quote']


Another shining example of the true Christian spirit. "He disagrees with me! Get rid of him!" How far is that from "Burn the heretic!"?


Just once, I'd like to find a self-proclaimed supporter of Christianity who actually follows any of the most basic tenets of that religion.



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Another shining example of the true Christian spirit. "He disagrees with me! Get rid of him!" How far is that from "Burn the heretic!"?


Just once' date=' I'd like to find a self-proclaimed supporter of Christianity who actually follows any of the most basic tenets of that religion.



You mean to say that Christians are Hypocrites? That is very hurtful. You have genuinely wounded me. I'd to beleive that I'm not that way. I don't think that people that disagree with me should be thrown out. I'm sure this comment wasn't directed at me, but I took some offense.


Sayonara just be a little offensive sometimes, but so can the rest of us. If he thinks your stupid, he'll tell you (at least in my experience :D) But at least you always know what he's thinking :D

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You mean to say that Christians are Hypocrites?

No, he just meant trueLove, not all Christians. Glider would himself be a hypocrite if that post had been aimed indiscriminately at all of Christianity.


Sayonara just be a little offensive sometimes, but so can the rest of us.

Heh heh heh


If he thinks your stupid, he'll tell you (at least in my experience :D) But at least you always know what he's thinking :D

Unfortunately trueLove didn't give me enough information to work out if he was stupid or not, but he gave me enough information to work out that thread was NOT going to have a happy ending or contribute to the site in any informative fashion.


By closing that thread I was doing my job. It was his choice to go off on a woefully misinformed flaming spree, hence the two week ban. That guy needs to chill.


[edit] Apart from the other couple of derogatory threads (which personally I found insulting to the intelligence of the average member, as some people pointed out above ^), he was banned for this:


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Is this thread for real?


Or.. wait.. I have a better question: ONLY TWO WEEKS BAN!?!?





I think we should have an enterance exam, checking if new users have basic LOGIC, basic listening abilities and are not here to speak bulls.


Either that, or take an enterance fee of 5 bucks.


Either way, stupid ignorant people will be gone. We see a bit too many of them here lately.



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I think they provide us with a source of quality entertainment myself. Plus entrance fees are a bit crap really; we do want to get more people on here so we can have better discussions and I feel that implementing a fee scheme would probably counter that measure.

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rofl, i expected a thread like this would be directed towards me than anybody else who're replyed in his other thread??? :confused: how ironic, rofl.


Another shining example of the true Christian spirit. "He disagrees with me! Get rid of him!" How far is that from "Burn the heretic!"?


Just once' date=' I'd like to find a self-proclaimed supporter of Christianity who actually follows any of the most basic tenets of that religion.[/quote']


and yeah, way to go Doc! You're MY Hero :D




now that i had some leisure time at work, to read this thread better, i wanna add these:


this thread: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=3982

should have again been directed at me, but i guess since i'm a nobody here, hence sayonara got the full wraith ;)


and in regards to sayonara's responce to Glider's original post, i say this in my and his defence: that decision was arrived(at least in my case it did) by means of Inductive Principle.

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You mean to say that Christians are Hypocrites?.

Not at all. I meant that Truelove is a hypocrite. I haven't met all Christians so I have no grounds to assume that all Christians are hypocrites.


That is very hurtful. You have genuinely wounded me.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but I don't see how.


I'd to beleive that I'm not that way. I don't think that people that disagree with me should be thrown out.

I'm glad to hear it.


I'm sure this comment wasn't directed at me, but I took some offense.

if you are sure my comment wasn't directed at you, how were you offended by it? Perhaps you were seeking offence where there was none intended?


"If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment". (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus; Meditations: 167 A.C.E.)

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Just once, I'd like to find a self-proclaimed supporter of Christianity who actually follows any of the most basic tenets of that religion.


A lot of the people in my church can quite easily be described as a hypocrite. I was born into Roman Catholicism, and although I don't resent that, I don't go to church any more; even though I still believe in God and Christ (that must pain some people on here ;)), I'm pretty much 100% sure that I don't follow most of the stuff the Roman Catholic church says; mainly because I think it's stupid, to be quite honest.


I don't go around announcing my religion, not because I'm not 'proud' to be Catholic, but because I've found that people tend to look upon you somewhat differently, for some utterly bizarre reason. I don't agree with most of the Christian standpoints of going out and converting as many people as possible, because I believe it's a form of pressuring people (as you stated in your post). I despise those who go around saying "God will save you! (if you join our sect for only $19.99)" because it's just one big form of hypocracy.


Sorry for posting this, but I just want to show you that not all Christians are completely hypocritical (if this is indeed showing you, which I doubt it is :)).

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I hope everyone got the idea I was only joking about the fee by the way. I hate fee-sites.. I WAS serious though about trying to prevent neanderthal stupid low intelligence people from debating here.


By the way, I think the reputation system did a heck of a good job helping that agenda. I would REALLY like to see it back. I know I'm nagging on this, but I seriously think it might solve a lot. It helped SOME people here to change their attitudes (I won't state names, most of you probably know who I mean).



By the way, I have to say something personal:


Many of you know me. I'm a "heat" person. I argue quite emotionally about my views -- but I always listen, I never ridicule and I never patronize. If I happen to *sound* patronizing I usually spend 10 posts appologizing.

That's because science and agnosticism are very important to me. And I truely believe debates are the most important thing in life. In every aspect-- politics, advancements in science, phylosophy, and personal growth.


I have also been quite frustrated over low-intelligence purposefully-degrading people for a little while on the forum, but I tried to show my opinions in a nice way through responding to threads.


I don't mean to offend anyone, but I do think this is something everyone should know (and I'd love to hear responses, if anyone has anything to say. really.):


What I found EXTREMELY inappropriate, is that low intelligence biggoted idiot such as "trueLove" (how can he call himself that is beyond me) can walk in here, use opinions that might have gotten him investigated by the FBI in suspicion of mass incitement or WORSE against large groups of people -- views that we see most in jail cells or the long dead KKK -- only gets banned after he trashed an admin.


I'm NOT saying that trashing an admin is good, I'm saying that the thought of kicking him out should have passed everyone's minds when he started openning his very ugly mouth about Jews, Atheists, Agnostics, Islam and the only thing that was missing is for him to start yelling black people are the spawn of the devil.


I just think there's absolutely no place for people that are here to encite others.

I MIGHT be able to start a debate with this idiot if he would have shown some sort of debate-curtesey. Listening capabilities.

Because I'm all for opinion diversity -- but I'm ALL AGAINST encitement.


If he's bored, he can go to http://www.disney.com

God knows he won't find any blasphemous atheists agnostics jews or islamic people. And he won't find black people either.


I just think we need to have some sort of BASIC self respect to throw these people out the moment they show us they're only here to make us "fight" with them and they dont want to listen.



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What I found EXTREMELY inappropriate' date=' is that low intelligence biggoted idiot such as "trueLove" (how can he call himself that is beyond me) can walk in here, use opinions that might have gotten him investigated by the FBI in suspicion of mass incitement or WORSE against large groups of people -- views that we see most in jail cells or the long dead KKK -- only gets banned after he trashed an admin.


I'm NOT saying that trashing an admin is good, I'm saying that the thought of kicking him out should have passed everyone's minds when he started openning his very ugly mouth about Jews, Atheists, Agnostics, Islam and the only thing that was missing is for him to start yelling black people are the spawn of the devil.[/quote']


To be fair, it wasn't just because he'd 'trashed' an moderator (not an admin), it was mainly to do with the fact that he'd posted some utter crap on here, and this was the last straw, in effect. However, I do agree that we may need to be a little more stringent in areas such as racist posts and whatnot - although similarly we need to be able to let everyone voice their opinion.

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