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Another shining example of the true Christian spirit. "He disagrees with me! Get rid of him!" How far is that from "Burn the heretic!"?

You can understand why I might think that. I'm sorry about that, It just sounded like it was directed to religious people at the time so I had to say something. It's cool.

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uhm, can't speak for the rest of the world, but KKK and the NeoNazis are still alive and thriving here in USA

Unfortunately for everyone, you're absolutely right.


Doesn't mean we should stand bigotted idiots like that in here though...


And blike, I agree, thats why I had a few other suggestions, and my point is that we need (in my opinion of course) to find some sort of solution to this 'cause lately it's just too much.

Besides, there might be ways to make reputation less abused? I don't know.. err.. worth a thought. I'll see if i might htink of ways. You're right though.



To be fair, it wasn't just because he'd 'trashed' an moderator (not an admin), it was mainly to do with the fact that he'd posted some utter crap on here, and this was the last straw, in effect. However, I do agree that we may need to be a little more stringent in areas such as racist posts and whatnot - although similarly we need to be able to let everyone voice their opinion.


I agree, I was emotional, and it wasn't really fair to say it was the only reason. You're right. I *am* extremely frustrated over these kind of people though lately. And again I feel like I must stress this -- I'm NOT talking about their opinions, god knows there are lots of people I disagree with in the forums - and people that I tend to dislike their views, but I never say they need to leave. What I DO think is that peoploe who are here to STATE things -- not listen and debate -- and it doesnt matter WHAT their views are (they can fit mine, and yet if they're not debating they still don't belong here) should be warned, or have a set of rules to see what they SHOULD and SHOULDN'T expect when joining.


HAving opinions about creationism is FINE. I LIKE arguments and debates about ANY subject, however having the nurve to join here curse everyone, have humiliating and damaging things to say without listening, or having any care to participate in a DEBATE is just something we should get rid of.


That stupid idiot should join a NeoNazi or a KKK site. There are lots of those, unfortuntely, where he'll feel all cozy and home.


THIS should be a place where thseo kind of things cannot be tolerated.



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Basically he joined the forums to troll. Trolling is against the forum rules, and therefore he's been banned. It's all in the regulations posted in the announcements forum.

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I don't go to church any more; even though I still believe in God and Christ (that must pain some people on here ;)).

I doubt it pains anyone here :) . I certainly have no issue with it. My issue is with those who take up the banner of Christianity (or any religion) and use it to beat others over the head. They use it to promote intolerance, division hatred and violence. For some reason they annoy me even more than those who promote the same things, but openly and with conviction. I don't know why that is. Perhaps it's the sugar coating of righteousness that makes their poison even more bitter (oooh...poetic!).


Sorry for posting this, but I just want to show you that not all Christians are completely hypocritical (if this is indeed showing you, which I doubt it is :)).

I don't think all Christains are hypocrites. I haven't met enough of them to make that call. I don't even think Christianity is bad. The reading I have done tells me that the philosophy behind it is good, which makes it harder to swallow the crappy things people do in its name.


You can understand why I might think that. I'm sorry about that, It just sounded like it was directed to religious people at the time so I had to say something. It's cool.

No worries. It wasn't directed at religious people, it was sarcasm directed at truelove. I know sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, so I reserve it for use on the lowest form of wit.

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I doubt it pains anyone here :) . I certainly have no issue with it. My issue is with those who take up the banner of Christianity (or any religion) and use it to beat others over the head. They use it to promote intolerance, division hatred and violence. For some reason they annoy me even more than those who promote the same things, but openly and with conviction. I don't know why that is. Perhaps it's the sugar coating of righteousness that makes their poison even more bitter (oooh...poetic!)


I would doubt that most of the people here could give a toss as to what religion you were in. I don't get into debates about it because inevitably we get people arguing about creationism and scientific methods and I really don't have the patience to argue about something that I don't honestly know how to argue.


But yes, I know what you mean. You're always going to get the extremists in every religion, but the worst ones are actually those who believe they are doing 'the right thing' according to their teachings and scriptures. You would be quite amazed at the amount of internal politics you have in a church community; who did this and that and why they did it. The amount of gossip is quite obscene and it's one of the reasons I stopped going to church.


(btw, I didn't think you believed all Christians were hypocrites, sorry if I wrote the wrong thing down :)).

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