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yes biology seems like a really interesting subject, but normally im interested in chem/physics, and so far in school weve only done things like dissection of pigs hart and lungs (hated the lungs - they smelled like they were decomposing).

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well, i'm open to new ideas as long as they are within the bounds of science, so let's explore this idea a bit further.


chlorophyl is what gives the plants and other single celled organisms their distints green hues. also, when you said what you did in post #7, were you thinking of :only for the looks or fully functional things?


if only for the looks, then (assuming this is possible and worthy) you'll have animals with green or greenish skin or a gradation between the mixing reds and blues together.


if you were thinking of having fully functional chlorophyls and chloroplasts then it would mean a major reconstruction of the animal cells as we now know it. all or most of the cells will have to be completely reconstructed as there are things and organnels that animal cells have but not plants and vise-versa.


which also mean that in addition to a normal(animal) cell respiration it will also perform photosynthetic(photon based) respiration.


that means these new cells must be able to in addition to the normal (animal) cell functions be able to take in the sun light, convert it to chemicals that stimulate chloroplasts, etc. then it must also take in the CO2 and water(and that would mean that each cell store a descent amount of water(which mean that each cell may be much bigger and more rigidly structured, etc) in order to be able to manufacture sugar and then it must somehow release the waiste(in this case the O2), etc.


so in the end, you'll and up with an animal that can get nutrients not only from eating but also from photons, it'll have a green skin (or any other possible gradation of mixing the warm and cool colours). then it will not only take in O2 for it's regular respiration(in this case breathing) but also CO2 and release both CO2 and O2 as waiste byproducts......


in the end, what do you end up and what will this be classifyed is a very good question ;)



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