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The Grammys AKA The Pretense Awards


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Ok, another ventilation post to make myself feel better about not fitting in the human race. There's really no reason to read this post.


As much as I argue for free market capitalism, it has always been a bittersweet dilemma as capitalists have ruined the arts in America.


Watching the grammys last night, I've never seen a room full of more pretentious children in my life. From what I could tell there were but a handfull of adults there to look after them.


The funniest are always the rappers. Oversized hats and glasses, chunks of gold dangling from a chain, preference for gold teeth over natural ones, and incessant rambling on and on about how bad ass they are - defined, of course, by how proficient they are at subjugating other humans. And they've been doing this from day one, decades ago. This may well be the strongest evidence against the theory of evolution.


These guys look like clowns. The only thing missing is the proverbial clown horn. I kept expecting them to jump in the crowd and entertain the kiddos with circus antics. The only thing funnier is that they take themselves seriously. Priceless.


Maybe a psychologist can confirm my belief that people emanate what they aren't. It's been my experience that the more someone tries to convince you of an attribute, the more likely it's a lie. The biggest thief I ever met was the guy who kept reminding me "Oh, I'm good people man. You can trust me." I can only imagine how insecure these idiots must really be.


And don't blame it on my age, because I resisted this stupidity when I was a teenager growing up in the 80's as well. The glam rock scene hijacked and perverted metal like terrorists have done to Islam. I never cared for men that were prettier than my girlfriends. Whipping their hair back as some unseen fan we never see blows their hair just right as they sing into the camera doing their impression of a playboy bunny photo shoot. I almost masterbated to White Lion on a late night of headbanger's ball, for crying out loud, and I have never felt gay. (Altogether now: Not that there's anything wrong with that...)


Don't get me wrong, I do like a good show and costume laiden weirdos can be hypnotic to watch - when it's original, artistic in some way. I've always enjoyed watching Maynard from Tool, as he seems to get this. There's no telling what kind of weird shit he might do since it's not a knock off repeat that half the crowd is sporting as well. It's not a cheap pretense to feed the heliocentric alpha ego of the performer - it's an interesting visual effect that compliments the music.


In other words, it's about the audience, not the self. But for some reason, we're handing over capital to watch them treat their flimsy egos.


Why do we reward such selfish pretension? Why do we let them sell us a blatantly prolific false image based on stuff they bought at Wal-mart? I know the answer to this, I think, I just like asking anyway.


Ventilation complete. I feel better now. Radiohead was great, by the way.



P.S. I forgot to bitch about Miley and Taylor Swift. Apparently the musicians that likely studied their instruments longer than either of them have been alive weren't even important enough to share the stage with them. Singing is definitely more impressive than mastering an instrument. It's not like just about everybody can sing or anything... :rolleyes:

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This may well be the strongest evidence against the theory of evolution.


Reminds me of a professor who, when asked about the missing link between mindless beasts and civilized man, pointed to his class. Odds are, future generations will wonder that we considered ourselves civilized.

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Reminds me of a professor who, when asked about the missing link between mindless beasts and civilized man, pointed to his class. Odds are, future generations will wonder that we considered ourselves civilized.


Heck, I wonder about that right now.;) I can't think of a single song up for a grammy that I can remember even having heard, that is how much I pay attention to it.

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Heck, I wonder about that right now.;) I can't think of a single song up for a grammy that I can remember even having heard, that is how much I pay attention to it.


I made the mistake of allowing Radiohead's announced appearance draw me in. Actually, I would do it all over again, it was awesome watching them perform '15 Steps' with USC's marching band. Problem being that if no one is familiar with that song, it likely sounded disjointed and certainly not "catchy".


I can't remember the last time I watched the Grammys previous to this last one. Hopefully they won't be able to trick me into watching it again...

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