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Black Light Power was recently confirmed by Rowan University to produce far more calories than possible for the given hydrogen impregnation in a 5KW reactor. The hydrogen and catalyst are brought up to 200C at which point the gas combusts and produces more heat than Rowan chemists can account for with standard chemistry. BLP has had difficulty procuring a patent because they failed to recognize the contribution of exclusion fields also known as Casimir cavities or any other quantum effects all of which they consider antiethical to their Grand Unified theory. on May 8th 2008 Cal-Tech doctors Haisch and Moddel were awarded a patent for a streamlined device with far more potential. Cal-Techs' description and patent of hydrino formation is quantum based, straight forward and considered by many to correctly describe hydrino theory. Despite these hydrino based patents The exact properities of the hydrino are still controversial.


What is very clear is that a new branch of science is being born. This new field leverages chemical reactions performed in exclusion fields created by closely spaced metal plates. These exclusion fields are recognized by both QED theory and The casimir effect. The two theories dispute whether closely spaced plates are pulled together electrostatically or pushed together by virtual particles. The hydrino neatly bypasses the argument because both theories agree that bracing the plates apart forms a permanent exclusion field where longer wavelength vacuum flucuations are restricted. It is this property that onverts the hydrogen atom into a hydrino not a chemical reaction. BLP and Cal-Tech both claim diffusing hydrogen atoms through the field allows them to fall to a sub zero state. I believe that Cal-Tech and BLP wrongly attribute energy emission to this falling orbital. I am convinced the orbital energy, -13.5 eV,is unchanged, it is the lower ratio of large to small virtual particles in the exclusion field effecting the boundary location where existing proton attraction balances the new displacement value. it is actually the boundary that moves and the electron simply remains stationary relative to the boundary! We subtracted no energy the medium changed! Using equations that show the energy confirmed by Rowan University = factors of radius and planks constant everyone assumed the difference must be isolated to the radius of the electron. I do not agree, I am proposing that it is Planks' constant that changes in an exclusion field and what we perceive as changes in radius or orientation is actually twisting on the time axis in room afforded by the missing fluctuations. The energy gains reported can only be accounted for logically if a covalent bond is formed between 2 atoms while inside this exclusion field. If not the atoms will simply return to their original axis or radius while exiting the field without claiming any energy as it unbends along the boundary condition back to what we call zero state in normal space. The covalent bond is the knot we need to rectify the change in boundary conditions while exiting the field. IF you form a molecule while in this state you release energy AND you lock the orbitals together so that they can no longer translate freely back to normal space. This forces the normally chaotic virtual particles to organize and tear the bond apart by its' orbitals when it tries to exit the field. This then requires nature to resupply the hydrogen atoms to monatomic energy levels. The reactionary forces are effectively translated 90 degrees from normal space potentially causing micro temporal anomalies as the virtual particles in the time stream are harnessed.


In the real world these plates are realized as cavities that are mechanically or chemically formed. Cal Tech uses stacks of metal plates drilled with arrays of sub micron holes. BLP uses skeletal catalysts like Rayney nickel which are cavitities chemically leached out of the softer AL metal in a Nickel - AL alloy.


from my blog http://www.byzipp.com/energy/

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I just tripped over the Paterson cell, I have been experimenting at home based on my conclusion that Black Light and Jovian both missed the fact that hydrinos must form covalent bonds in the exclusion field. The Patterson cell confirms my direction trying to find a single step wet process leveraging the fact that hydrogen is monatomic at the moment of hydrolysis. I dont know if the beads are forming skeletal catalyst -I wouldn't think it provides enough surface area or exclusion field but they could influence the cavitation and hydrogen bubble sizes - I am suggesting that even conductive electrolytes seperated by bubbles can form casimir cavities. this would lend creadance to some of the water fuel cell and cold fusion enthusiasts using pulsed DC and plasma both of which agitate the water keeping the bubble geometry minimized -it has to be submicron to reach exclusion field geometry.

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