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Obama invokes states secret privileges to block investigations into Bush wiretaps


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Yeah, what can I say. This sucks.


This is the one criminal act Bush perpetrated which I really can't see anyone defending. Bush knew what the law was, and so did the people involved. The people involved sought a presidential signature to cover their asses. And not just one signature, instead Bush signed off on the program dozens of times. Our precious personal info was diverted into the NSA without warrant. Telcos, featuring potential litigation, pressured Bush and Congress to cover their asses, because they had done something illegal. A federal judge ruled it was illegal.


Yet here we are... people try to investigate and Obama shuts them down. Obama.


Ugh. The founding fathers called. They want the forurth amendment back.

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Or maybe he's just keeping a lid on everything for the time being, until his own people can sort everything out and determine what actually is a legitimate state secret. Or maybe he doesn't think now is the best time to be having a witch hunt. No need to rush. You can always unclassify, but you can never re-classify.

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Or maybe he's just keeping a lid on everything for the time being, until his own people can sort everything out and determine what actually is a legitimate state secret. Or maybe he doesn't think now is the best time to be having a witch hunt. No need to rush. You can always unclassify, but you can never re-classify.


Well, techically you could re-classify, but it wouldn't do you a whole heck of a lot of good, now, would it? :D


I tend to agree with Sisyphus on this one. There's not enough information for me to judge. It's possible that the evidence wouldn't convict him and it would ruin Obamas chances to get things done... It's possible any action right now would ruin Obamas chances to get things done... It's possible Obama will hold this in his back-pocket until later when he needs leverage to get things done.


We don't know. I'm not going to let my disgust with Bush cloud my judgement here until I know more about what "here" really is.

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I think this is further evidence that liberal wet dreams regarding a W perp walk will not be fulfilled by this administration.


Except it's Congress's duty to investigate, not Obama's.


In this case the administration is obstructing the investigation.

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Except it's Congress's duty to investigate, not Obama's.


In this case the administration is obstructing the investigation.


No, he is not. Once again people overlook the separation of powers inherent in our Constitution.


What your article says is that he hasn't endorsed a congressional investigation or agreed to undertake one of his own via the Justice department. In fact he cannot stop them from investigating ANYTHING they want to investigate. That is THEIR prerogative.


So the charges of "stonewalling" stem entirely from the fact that he hasn't responded to their calls for him to open an investigation by the executive branch. In other words, they want him to spend his >60% approval rating on their petty, partisan revenge, while they hide behind their <20% approval rating and take pot shots with nothing to lose.


They want him to order Attorney General Eric Holder, who now serves entirely at his pleasure, and whose sole function on this earth is to proclaim and enact Barack Obama's policies on the subject of law enforcement, to investigate the former President of the United States. Something that could ONLY have a negative impact on the Obama administration.


He's not willing to do their dirty work -- work they could not do when it was their power to actually accomplish something -- for them.


That's not obstruction. It's politics.

Edited by Pangloss
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Hmm, I think this matter deserves its own thread.


"The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society"


-- John F. Kennedy


Coming from a man that struck a deal with Khrushchev to remove missles from Turkey in "secret". Apparently even the democrat's favorite guy practiced a little repugnance ever now and then huh?

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