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  YT2095 said:
I voted No, based upon the post 11/9 Patriot Act.

and although I don`t know which nation IS the freest (not an area of interest for me), I`m glad to be an Englishman that may posses and use Laboratory glassware freely without risk of a gaol sentence!


Hey YT, just out of idle curiosity, do folks across the pond actually refer to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington it as "11/9"? I know you guys show your days before your months by convention, but I know you also get a lot of our news and entertainment media over there (in fact I imagine that far more British people know that we do our dates "backwards" than Americans know that British do theirs "backwards"!). Would the average person know what I meant if I said "9/11"?


Just curious. :)


(Edit: Moved into a new thread. I'm going to move this over to the General forum since it's not really about politics and doesn't follow our posting convention here.)

  iNow said:


That's the primary method I use to avoid this silly confusion when sharing dates globally.


That's the primary method I use to avoid this silly confusion when sharing dates locally.

  Pangloss said:
Just out of idle curiosity, do folks across the pond actually refer to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington it as "11/9"?
Speaking for Germany (and probably a large part of Europe, too): It's referred to as "9/11". The numbers are even pronounced in English, i.e. "nine-eleven" and not "neun-elf". That is true at least for [a large] part of the media (actual usage of the US-term might vary, but I cannot really judge that). I would imagine it to be considered a name, not a date. Native english-speaking countries might handle it differently, though.

Interesting replies, thanks. It sounds like the "9/11" phrasing kinda stuck in spite of the apparent local date reversal.


Interesting that the London bombings took place on 7/7 -- a convenient Palindrome for that tragic event. I'm sure some two-bit psychics somewhere have made great hay with that fact.


DD/MM/YYYY is the format I`m used to, all my clocks display the time this way (German made), except my Digital watch (casio), it likes to be the odd one out for some reason?

as for saying 9/11 here, most folks would know what you meant if they have a TV ;)


We do put the date first, then the month. But we refer to the event of planes crashing into two buildings as nine-eleven...


Also, we call McDonalds a restaurant... even though it sells things you can get in a snackbar.


Marketing. It's all marketing. Repeat the message, and people adopt it.


The worst for me is at school and work -- I work with Europeans (who expect DD/MM/YY) and write essays for american teachers (who expect MM/DD/YY). I usually just try to remember those or just write the month out in words, like 26 Feb 2009.


But September 11th is different, I think - the term 9-11 has become a term, at least here in New York. You hear it in conversations or in the News and TV.. I didn't think about how others say it, tbh, since it's such a commonly used term here, as far as I was concerned (I hear it everywhere).


Politicians seem to refer to it like that, too, as far as I heard so far.


In Brazil, we are used to DD/MM/YYYY... but if I write in English I usually switch DD with MM and I don't think it's really a big problem. However, MM/DD/YYYY is very common on Internet and very used by open source softwares (as the default option is usually the form is MM/DD/YYYY).

I would imagine it to be considered a name, not a date.

I think so. Australia uses DD/MM/YYYY yet everybody kows what 9/11 means.


9/11 has become the name of a particular day, like "D-Day".


I was worrying about the possiblity of an attack this year in London on the 9th of September. 09/09/09 - or 999 - the british emergancy nuber. Hopefully this won't happen.


Usually referred to as 9/11 or September 11th round these parts (the UK, that is). Never heard anyone call it '11/9', or write it as such when referring to the WTC attack.


Though the US likes to do mm/dd/yyyy, I like yyyy/mm/dd as it sorts better!


I have heard it all over the US, Canada, and Europe as nine-eleven spoke in english even in France, Denmark, and Germany.

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