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“Hydrino like” atoms are not sub zero state but simply redistributed on the temporal axis. As background Dr Randell Mills, founder of Black Light Power , has pursued a sub zero state of the hydrogen atom for more than a decade. Test reactors of their proprietary catalyst supplied to Rowan University were confirmed in October 2008 to produce far more calories than possible for the given hydrogen impregnation in their reactors. The hydrogen and catalyst are brought up to 200C at which point the reaction produces far more heat than Rowan chemists can account for with standard chemistry. Dr Mills controversial GUT theory however has been staunchly opposed by the physics community and the company has been unable to retain a patent based on his theory. The theory was challenged by A Rathke (May 2005). "A critical analysis of the hydrino model". New Journal of Physics 2005 (7): 127. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/7/1/127 however Rathke's paper was itself challenged by Jan Naudts (5 August 2005). "On the hydrino state of the relativistic hydrogen atom". http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0507193v2. " which demonstrated that Rathke had not allowed for relativistic effects. This “relativistic” opportunity was not easily applied to the Mills theorem but on May 8th 2008 Bernard Haisch and Garret Moddel were awarded a patent for a device based on Casimir cavities which also describes an orbital "spinning down" below the ground state but based on stochastic electrodynamics ( description and patent ).

I am simply proposing that Jan Naudts mathematical evidence of a “relativistic” loophole can be applied to the Moddel - Haisch model to form a composite theorem where the Casimir cavities allow the orbital to twist on the temporal axis. The orbital only appears to "fall" because the 4D volume representing the boundary conditions is redistributed on the Time axis such that its profile in normal space shrinks while it gets larger on the time axis. I am proposing this composite Naudts-Moddel- Haisch theory be considered a test bed for extending the theory while investigating hydrino like constructs without the burden of sub zero state arguments.

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