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Pope to Africa: Don't use condoms


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I know, but he has enough influence to sway many people into his beliefs. If he says that condoms don't work, then people who don't have the technology to prove him wrong will believe him. Anyway you put it, there's a chance that he'll bring up the arguement that he's an emissary of God, so if we are saying he is wrong, we are saying god is wrong. This wouldn't help anyone in the fight against AIDS; not him, not us, and not the people he has persuaded. Nothing we can do now, because, for most cases until recently, religion beats science in developing world's.

Precisely why a lot of people in this thread are so appalled by this speech, Jake. The power that the pope has over peopel -- SPECIFICALLY people in Africa who are usually not technological/logically/scientifically savvy is overwhelming.


It is affecting their daily lives, and will, most likely, lead to their untimely deaths if they listen without critical thinking, which, sadly, they probably will.

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Precisely why a lot of people in this thread are so appalled by this speech, Jake. The power that the pope has over peopel -- SPECIFICALLY people in Africa who are usually not technological/logically/scientifically savvy is overwhelming.


It is affecting their daily lives, and will, most likely, lead to their untimely deaths if they listen without critical thinking, which, sadly, they probably will.


The pope is furthering the spread of an epidemic. Isn't that against the Ten Commandments, or the Geneva Convention, or something?

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