MaxCathedral Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 Chariots of the Gods, man, Chariots of the Gods...its all there man.... Let me cut to the you believe that UFO's exist? and that alien abduction has happened? And exactly what is going on in Area 51, anyway?
J'Dona Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 Personally, I don't believe that UFO's in the alien sense exist, nor do I think that alien abductions are occuring. Area 51 is probably just a military base that's been expanding recently (I mean, they know where it is because it's expanding to encompass a lot of R&D, but not alien R&D. Also Roswell... don't know enough about it but that could have been anything, maybe a crashed military aircraft that the government covered up, causing the media to come up with wild claims and "evidence". I do, however, think that aliens definitely exist elsewhere in the universe. The chances of that not being the case are just way too small.
swansont Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 MaxCathedral said: Let me cut to the you believe that UFO's exist? Yes, I believe UFOs exist. I don't believe that they are alien visitors.
Cap'n Refsmmat Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 Of course they exist. Any flying object that is unidentified is a UFO. Methinks too many are associated to aliens. No alien abductions either. Though I do recall I guy with claims of being abducted, and even under hypnosis he gave the same story.
Phi for All Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 While I believe there is extraterrestrial life, I don't believe we've seen the evidence of any. They couldn't be from the Sol system. Any beings capable of traveling outside their own solar system would probably have access to technology that would keep them from crashing in the desert. Long before they would send out "manned" exploration craft, their energy requirements would necessitate utilizing their own sun and any gas giants as fuel sources. We would probably see signs of a nearby Type 1 civilization and we haven't to my knowledge. If they had cracked the secrets of higher dimensional travel to avoid the speed of light paradox, they would be even more advanced and the idea of desert crashes becomes ludicrous. If they could fold space we would be like insects to them. When walking through a park, do you even think about the bugs you're stepping on? I wish an advanced, alien culture would come to visit. It would unite us as a race. We could ask them how they got over the Element 92 hurdle without anhililating themselves. How did they evolve socially fast enough to overcome the evolution of their ability to destroy?
iglak Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 Phi for All said: How did they evolve socially fast enough to overcome the evolution of their ability to destroy? maybe they didn't, maybe they crashed due to sabotage or an internal struggle. >_> but yeah, i think that if they had the technology to travel faster than lightspeed, then they would either communicate with us openly or just stay away from us uncarringly.
YT2095 Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 Eric Von Daniken provides interesting reading and I have read 2 two of his books incl the one you mentioned, I don`t find any of his ideas particularly compelling however. some of the artifacts found certainly do raise good questions, but I`de not put them under the Alien umberella as a 1`st choice, course of action or reasoning
mooeypoo Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 YT stole the words out of my mouth. I liked the book though.. the phylosophy was neat, and the questions it's raising are excellent, but I am having troubles believing it was aliens, most of the reasons are the same ones I use for the god issue. "If they were here and did all that where are they now?" is pretty much the strongest one. Great book though. ~moo
NSX Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 Phi for All said: I wish an advanced, alien culture would come to visit. It would unite us as a race. We could ask them how they got over the Element 92 hurdle without anhililating themselves. How did they evolve socially fast enough to overcome the evolution of their ability to destroy? hehe I've always been pondering the same thing too. I'm actually thinking about writing a satire where there is a disaster [possibly an Alien Invasion] and the only way for humans to get through it is to unite together, forgeting all wrong-doings from the past, any grudges against each other, etc.
Phi for All Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 Quote I'm actually thinking about writing a satire where there is a disaster [possibly an Alien Invasion'] and the only way for humans to get through it is to unite together, forgeting all wrong-doings from the past, any grudges against each other, etc.Just don't call it Independence Day! How about this: The aliens show up and give a great secret to a small country. Some cheap, simple energy technology like replication or maybe the secret to wiping out sickness so the real human life potential of two hundred years can be reached by everyone. Now the small country has to decide, do they try to exploit the knowledge so they can become like all the other capatalist countries or do they share it with everyone so a new world economy will have to be embraced. I've always wondered how we could possibly go from our present economy based on money to what Star Trek has, an economy based on the worth and abilities of the individual.
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